Coaching and Care of Athletes

THE HIGH JUMP shoulders to drop back, so that his lay-out was quite flat, with his spine directly in line above the bar. He then joined his hands above his head and rolled to the right. Kotkas, of Finland, who holds the European record of 6ft. 8 ins., and Weinkotz, Germany (Plate XLII., Fig. I2g), who, I think, has beaten 6ft. 5 ins., both use a back lay-out, but without the fast approach and the final roll-over. This method of jumping, which may be termed the 'Back Lay-out,' is not recommended, although some coaches have taught it with success to particular athletes who showed a natural inclination to jump in thi-s way. Despite the astounding heights cleared by such small men as Byrd-Page, Sweeney, and Landon, the modern generation of first– class high jumpers comprises men who are well over, rather than a little under, 6 ft. in height. Most of them have the thin, sinewy full-of-spring type of legs which one is accustomed to associate with the great jumping power of deer or antelope. Contrary to this general statement and strange though it may seem, big, power– fully built throwing men are also sometimes excellent high jumpers. Armas Valste could clear 6ft. 4 ins. and put the shot 50ft., Kotkas, Finland, who stands 6 ft. 5 ins. and weighs just I5! stone, has jumped 6 ft. 7 ins., beaten 50 ft. with the shot, and thrown a · discus .somewhere about I68 ft., while Osborn made a world's record of 6 ft. 8! ins. and in the same year won the Olympic Decathlon with a world's record score. Strangest of all, perhaps, is the case ofDr Pat O'Callaghan, the modern Irish Hercules, who has thrown the I6-lb. hammer Ig8 ft. 8·6 ins., which is g ft. 2·I ins. better than the accepted world's record, and has been credited also with jumping 6 ft . 5 ins. Dr O'Callaghan stands 6 ft. I in., and weighs between I6 and I 7 stone. Comparative performances for various classes of champion– ships held in England, in international matches, and at the Olympic Games are as follows: Public Schools All universities Individual ·counties Northern District Midland District Southern District . English A.A.A. International matches Olympic Games FT. INs: 5 6 5 8 5 5 5 9 5 9 5 I I 5 I rt 6 ot 6 6p 1 At the rg36 Olympic Games the first man cleared 6 ft. 8 ins., three jumpers 6ft. 6! ins., one 6ft. st ins., and four 6ft. 4t ins. 347