Coaching and Care of Athletes

THE HIGH JUMP second event, with a slight preference for discus-throwing. It is not necessary to work him with the sprinters, since speed running does not enter into his sport, but a fair amount of sprinting and q. good deal of skipping, together with jogging on a resilient surface, will increase his responsiveness and improve his natural spring. He should do a good deal of limbering up of the kind that suits him individually, but he cannot practise high jumping continuously, although Brooks, as a Rugby School boy, is said to have jumped a five-barred gate, in ordinary clothes and shoes, three or four times a day going to and from school. For most athletes a dozen jumps three times a week is the limit, and the maj~rity of men flourish on less actual jumping. Plenty of form and suppling exercises are needed. Work each day throughout the whole period of training and competition should begin with the limbering-up process that suits the individual. It must include bending and stretching exercises and high kicking, and should terminate each day with a gentle jog of 220 to 440 yds. and either form or rhythmic exercises or some light skipping. These parts of training must be taken as read in the suggested schedules which follow: PRELIMINARY-SEASON TRAINING Monday. Jog 88o yds. Sprint 75 yds. at three-quarter effort twice. Work to stabilize take-off mark. Massage. Tuesday. I hour in the gymnasium. Free and form exercises. Apparatus work. Wednesday. Stride 100 yds. at half effort twice. Sprint 30 yds. at three-quarter effort twice. Work to stabilize an even-striding approach run and to establish check mark and take-off. Thursday. I hour in gymnasium, as on Tuesday. Friday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. Walk 3 to 5 miles, trotting 100 yds. in each mile. EARLy-SEASON TRAINING Monday. Trot an easy 440 yds. Practise approach run six times. Six jumps at half effort. Tuesday. Trot an easy 440 yds. Practise six springs, hips to bar– level. Practise approach runs six times. Six jumps at quarter effort. Wednesday. Walk 3 to 5 miles, trotting 100 yds. in each mile. Massage. Thursday. Trot an easy 440 yds. Three jumps, hips to bar-level. g6I