Coaching and Care of Athletes

THE HOP, ~TEP, AND JUMP and J. at quarter effort for even cadence. -Two H., S., and J. at quarter effort for co-ordination, hitting each mark in turn at proper cadence. Massage. Thursday. Train with sprinters. Friday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. As for Wednesday, but work on difficult points of tech– nique. Massage. Mm-SEASON TRAINING In this month the coach should try to get his athletes into competition each Saturday, alternating a broad jump with a hop, step, and jump contest in successive weeks. Failing competition, there should be six attempt trials each Saturday. Monday. Three H., S., and J. on grass at quarter effort to strengthen weak points in technique. Three H., S., andJ. at the pit at three-quarter effort for co-ordination and cadence. Two H., S., and J. at the pit at half effort to correct faults. Massage. Tuesday. Train with the sprinters. Wednesday. Practise the run-up at nine-tenths effort three times. Three H., S., and J. on soft turf at quarter effort for co-ordination and cadence. Three H., S., and J. at the pit at half effort to correct faults. Massage. Thursday. Train with the sprinters. Friday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. Competition or trial in broad jump one week and hop, step, and jump the next week. FINAL, OR CoMPETITIVE, SEASON oF TRAINING Work must be cut down considerably in this month, which comprises the tapering-off process leading up to a peak per– formance. Penultimate Week Monday. Trot 100 yds. twice. Sprint 30 yds. at half effort twice and 30 yds. at three-quarter effort twice. Practise the run-up three times at nine-tenths effort. Jog 220 yds. Light massage. Tuesday. Trot 100 yds. twice. Sprint 30 yds. at half effort twice and 40 yds. at three-quarter effort twice. Practise the run-up at nine-tenths effort twice. One H., S., and J. on -soft turf at quarter effort for co-ordination. Two H., S., and J. at half effort to detect any point of weakness. One H., S., and J. at three-quarter effort for co-ordination and cadence. One H., S., andJ., if necessary, at half effQrt to emphasize concentration on any weak point in technique. . 38'1