Coaching and Care of Athletes

PLATE L Figs. 153-163 (except Fig. 155, which is of V. Nik– l<anen, Finland) are of l\•fatti Jarvinen, Finland, holder of the world's record at 253 ft. 4-! ins. THE JAVELIN- THROWING SEQUENCE FrG. 153. Position in which t he javelin is carri.ed during the a pproach run. FIG. 154. The second bounding stride. F IG. 155. The third bound ing stride. Fr G. 156. The cross-over action . FIG. 157. The left foot goes forward to gain the throwing stance. Note the gradual turn of the trunk, the under rotation of the hand, and (in Fig. 157) the position of the hand and wrist. Note especially tha t the right arm is never full y extended. 392