Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES FINAL, OR CoMPETITIVE, SEASON oF TRAINING In the final month of training the athlete should have a minor competition on the second Saturday of the month as a sort of dress rehearsal for the important competition on the last Saturday of the month for which he has been pointing throughout the whole period of training. It is suggested that his training during this month should be planned as follows: First and Third Weeks Monday. Tig for 5 mins. Two throws at quarter effort for co– ordination. Two throws at half effort for detection of any weakness. Two throws at half effort, ifnecessary, to correct faults and two throws at three-quarter effort for co-ordination in approach rqn, transition, and throw. Tuesday. Train with sprinters. Massage. Wednesday. Tig for 5 mins. 5 mins. of suppling and shoulder– loosening exercises. Two throws at quarter effort to co-ordinate approach, transition, and throw, two at half effort for height and steady flight, two at half effort for direction and steady flight, and two at three-quarter effort for direction, height, and steady flight. Massage. Thursday. t hour in gym on light exercises. Friday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. Tig for 5 mins. Suppling and shoulder-loosening exer– cises for 5 mins. Two throws at half effort for direction and steady flight, two at half effort for height and steady flight, and two at three-quarter effort for di·rection, height, and long, steady flight. Second and Fourth Weeks Monday. Tig for 5 mins. Exercises for 3 mins. Four throws at quarter effort and six throws at halfeffort for co-ordination. Massage. Tuesday. Tig for 3 mins. Exercises for 3 mins. Two throws at quarter effort for direction and steady flight, two at quarter effort for height and steady flight, and two at half.effort for direction, height, and steady flight. Wednesday. Rest or go to ground and limber up for IO mins. Massage. Thursday. Rest. Friday. Rest. Special massage preparatory to competition. Second Saturday. Dress-rehearsal competition or trial at seven– eighths effort. Fourth Saturday. Principal competition for which training has been undertaken. 400