Coaching and Care of Athletes

PLATE LIV \ '\..~ THE SHOT-PUTTER'S DELIVERY ACTION ] . Torrance, U.S.A., who stands nearly 6 ft. 6 ins. and weighs about 22 stone, and who made a world 's record of 57 ft. r in . in I 934· F rc . I 73· Torrance has completed the glide. Note that the left ann and shoulder line are in the p lane of deliver y, and tha t both knees are flexed . FIG. I74· A quick hip rotation has brought the shoulders square to the front, and the right wrist is bent well b ack to give fu ll force to t he final fli ck. Frc. r 75 . The straight left leg forms a point of resistance, and although the left shoulder is dropped, t he fully extended right ann ad heres to the plane of delivery ta ken up by the left arm in Fig. I 73 - Note the wrist- and finger-flick. 410