Coaching and Care of Athletes

THE SHOT PUT Wednesday. Jog 440 yds. Five standing puts at quarter effort for co-ordination. Two puts with shift at quarter effort and two at half effort for co-ordination. Massage. Thursday. 2 miles fast walk. Friday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. Trial of six standing puts. Trial of six puts with shift, or a minor competition. FINAL, oR CoMPETITIVE, SEASON oF TRAINING The final month of training must comprise a tapering-off pro– cess. Here is a suggestion for the last two weeks of training : Penultimate Week Monday. Jog 440 yds. Three -standing puts at half effort for co– ordination. Three puts with shift at half effort for acceleration. Three puts at three-quarter effort for continuity of action and acceleration. Massage. Tuesday. Trot roo yds. up and down the ground three times. Sprint 30 yds. at half effort twice and 30 yds. at three-quarter effort three times. 5 mins. of skipping or agility exercises. Wednesday. Six standing puts for co-ordination, two at quarter effort, two at half effort, and two at full effort. Emphasize rapid rotation of hips to put snap into the delivery. Massage. Thursday. 2 miles easy stroll. Friday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. Jog 440 yds. Four standing puts, two at quarter effort and two at half effort. Four puts with shift, two at quarter effort and two at half effort. All putting to be for co-ordinated continuity of action and acceleration. Final Week Monday. Stride an easy 220 yds. Sprint 30 yds. twice at half effort and twice at three-quarter effort. Tuesday. Four standing puts, two at half effort and two at three– quarter effort for direct drive with rapid hip rotation and shot elevation. Five puts with shift, two at quarter effort for co-ordination, one at half effort for continuity, acceleration, and shot elevation, and two at three-quarter effort for rapid rotation of the hips. Massage. Wednesday. 2 miles easy walk. Thursday. Rest. Massage. F,riday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. Principal competition for which training has been undertaken. 2D ·I