Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES Here is a suggestion for one week of winter training: Monday. Walk 5 miles or jog 2 miles. Tuesday. I hour in gymnasium on strengthening, suppling, and shoulder-stretching exercises. 1 Practise preliminary swinging. Practise turning in a 7-ft. circle marked on the floor, turning to be done with a light hammer. 5 mins. of skipping. Wednesday. Walk 5 to 7 miles, trotting roo yds. in each mile. Thursday. As for Tuesday. Friday. Rest. Saturday. As for Tuesday. N.B. The walking distance can be increased to. 12 miles as progress is made, the athlete trotting 50 yds. in each half-mile at distances beyond 7 miles. In the three further periods of one month each, to complete the total training, each day's work must commence with a limbering– up process which has been proved suitable to the individual. Most of the throwing out of doors should be done at less than full effort. Proportionate efforts for hammer-throwers are set out below, but may be found in fuller detail in my Athletic Training for Men and Boys. - AVERAGE BEST THREE·Q.UARTER HALF QUARTER PERFORMANCE EFFORT EFFORT EFFORT r8o ft. 162ft. 148ft. ro8-r26 ft. 170 " 153 " 136 " 102-r rg , 150 " 135 " !20 " go-ro5 , 130 " 117 " 104 " 78- gr " I I5 , 103 " 92 " 6g- 8o , lOO " go " 8o , 6o- 70 , EARLY-SEASON TRAINING Monday. Seven easy standing throws for direction and elevation. (N.B. The hammer must fall withiri a go 0 sector marked upon the ground for the throw to count as a fair one.) Seven throws with turns for criticism of style, working at varying degrees of effort. Massage. Tuesday. Four standing throws, working for rapid rotation of the hips. Three throws with turns at half effort, working for even arm– pull and smooth delivery action. Three throws with turns at half effort, working to increase speed in each turn and for elevation in the throw. One throw with turns at three-quarter effort for rapid rotation of hips. 1 Exercises for the shoulders should be designed to increase the reach of the arms by strengthening and making supple those muscles which surround the shoulder-joint. 430