Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES Preliminary swinging and the turn can be mastered indoors, where it is also possible to throw very lightly with a rubber discus, which can be purchased from Messrs .Lillywhites, Piccadilly Circus, London, for that particular purpose. If the athlete keeps himself fit during the winter one month of indoor training should cover the preliminary period. EARLY-SEASON TRAININO Monday. Jog 440 yds. Standing throws: three at quarter effort to correct faults and three at half effort for co-ordination. Tnrows with turn: three at quarter effort to correct faults and three at quarter effort to establish footwork. Tuesday. Work with sprinters. Wednesday. Practise the turn six times to the throwing position at varying efforts. Actual throwing as for Monday. Thursday. Walk 3 to 5 miles, trotting 100 yds. m each mile. Massage. Friday. Rest. Saturday. Standing throws: three at quarter effort for co-ordination and three at three-quarter effort for rapid hip rotation. Throws with turn: three at half effort for co-ordination and four at three-quarter effort for rapid hip rotation and correct delivery angle. Or a minor competition. Mm-sEASON TRAINING Monday. Standing throws: three at quarter effort to emphasize points of style, three at half effort for steady pull and correct delivery angle, and three at three-quarter effort for rapid hip rotation. Throwing with turn: three at half effort for continuity of pull on discus and three at three-quarter effort for rapid hip rotation and complete follow-through. Tuesday. Practise turning to throwing position three times at half effort and three times at three-quarter effort. Sprint 30 yds. at half effort twice and at three-quarter effort twice. Massage. Wednesday. Throwing as for Monday, b.ut add two final throws at half effort for correction of faults. Thursday. Go to ground and limber up, and practise a few turns without throwing. Take four standing throws at half effort to em– phasize any point of style which needs strengthening. Friday. Rest. Massage. Saturday. Minor competition or trial of three standing throws and six throws with turn at full effort. 440