Coaching and Care of Athletes

INDEX ABLOWICH, E., 274 Abrahams, H. M., 29, 32, 176-r77, 287 Ahearne, Dan, 22, 373, 374 Ahearne, T. 1 J., 373, 374 Ainsworth-Davis, E. J., 32 Albritton, D. D., 23, 359 Ali Khan, 96 America, athletics in, 25 et passim American coaches, 26-29, 30-3 I, 34, 52- 54 et passim Anderson, G. R. L., 284 Anderson, J ., 433 Andersson, H., 433, 435 Andersson, Harald, 383 Andre, G., 304, 307, 309 Applegarth, W. R., 29, 34, 68, I75, 178; world's furlong record, I 76 Archibald, E. B., 320 Areskoug, J., 308 Athlete's foot, cause and care of, I48 ~tseq. Athletes, coaching, 57, 75; handling, 66 et seq.; care and conditioning of, 79, 8o, 106 et seq.; equipment, 79, 8o, 8I, I06 et seq.; testing ability of, I3I et seq.; care of, in training, I39 et seq.; warm– ing up and cooling down, I53 et seq.; ideal, 239, 240, 242 Athletic mentality, training of, I26-I27 Athletics, styles in, 56 Ayres, Dr Gerald H., 52; on style in sprinting, I77-J78, I83; on low hurd– ling technique, 30I BAERLUND, S., 403, 405 Baker, Homer, 228 Baker, Howard, 70, 360 Barclay, Captain, 26 Barry, Dr W. J. M., 4I9 Bathing and baths,27, 9o-9I, I46-I47, I57 Baxter, H. H., 3I8 Beard, Percy, 54, 55, 285, 287 Beccali, L., 243 Beeson, Dr E. E., 22, 357 Black athletes, reflex times of, I 7I-I 72 Blake, Arthur, 257 Blask, E., 42I, 424 Bloss, E. B., 374 Bond, L. T., 23, 3I9, 32I Bonhag, G. V., 255 Bonham-Carter, R. M., 356 Bonthron, W. R., 2I, 238,240, 244 Books for coaches, 6o et seq. Borah, C., I77 Bouin, Jean, 255 Braun, Hans, 226 Bredin, E. C., 20 Bresnahan, G. T., and Tuttle, W. W., Track and Field Athletics by, 6I, I68; definition of starting-time, I68; on low hurdling technique, 30I; on 'qualifica– tions for intermediate hurdlers, so6 Bridgeman, J. W., 38 Broad jump, 363 etseq.; records, 22,6g-7o, 363, 367 ; comparative performances, s6s; ideal physique for, s6s-s64; technique, 364-369; styles, 364, s6s; faults, 369-370; training schedules, 37o-372 Brookins, C. R., 304 Brooks, Hon. M. J., 22, 34I, 360, 36I Brown, A. G. K., 34, 2IO, 272, 273, 275 Brown, K. S., 88-89, 32I, 336 Bruneto, L., 373 Buermayer, H. E., 40I Burgess, W. A., 4I8 Burghley, Lord, 304, 3I4; wins I928 Olympic 400 metres hurdleS', 33, 282, 307, 308 j physique, 282 j wins I930 A.A.A. Championships I20 yds. and 440 yds. hurdles, 282-283, sos; com– petes in I932 Olympic I IO metres and 400 metres hurdles and 4 X 400 metres relay, 283-284, 308; wins I929 A.A.A. Championships I20 yds. hurdles, 286; champion at high, low and inter– mediate hurdles, 303; details of records, 306-3o7, 309; wins I930 Midland Dis– trict 440 yds. hurdles, 3I I Butler, G. M., 32, 2IO Byers, C. F., 305 Byrd-Page, W., 341' CAGLE, H., 275 Californian system of classification of ath– letes, I 3I Care and conditioning of athletes, I06 et seq. Carpenter, K., 433, 436 Carr, S., 3I9, 323 Carr, W. A., 209, 2I4, 274 Cator, S., 22, 363 Champion, making a, 85 el seq. Champions, mannerisms and styles of, 54 Change, importance of, to athletes, 93 Clapp, R. G., 3I8, 32I Clark, R., 407, 408, 4I I 442