Coaching and Care of Athletes

1 INDEX Clothing, Io6 et seq., IS I-I 52 Coaches, athletic, 25; professional, Ameri– can and English, 28-3 I ; training of, 35; world's greatest, 52; qualities of, 52 -et seq.; amateur and professional, ss; revision period for, 75; talks by chief and other coaches, 77, 252; and athletes, friendship between, Ss-86, 93; style taught to sprinters by Ameri– can, I78, I79 Coaching, genesis of, 26 et seq.; British non-adoption of, 35; English Summer School method, s6 et seq.; lectures, I25 Coaching education, 57 et seq. Coaching organization and routine, 75 et seq. Coaching schools, 58 et passim Coe, W. W., 402 Competition, pre-championship, Io I- I02, 103 Comstock, Boyd, 28, 46, 50, 52, 53, 54, 32 I, 3-30, 33 I; on sprinting style, 179; on starting position, I 79; on running a sprint race, I 79, I83; javelin-throwing style, s86-s87; discus 'talon grip' of, 437 Conneff, T. P., 28, 239, 240, 242 Cooke, E. T., 320 Cooling down, I56-I57 Cornell University coach, 52 Cornering, or curve-running, I85 Comes, J. F., 32, 33, 242, 243 Coubertin, Baron Pierre de, 7I Craig, R., I76 Cromwell, Dean, 28 Croome, A. C. M., 284 Cubitt, R. A., 37 Cunningham, Glenn, -2I, 207, 209, 238, 239, 240, 242, 243; Boo metres record, 20 Curtis, W. B., 4I9 DALRYMPLE, j., 386, 396, 397 Daranyi, J., 403 Dauban, H., 397 Decathlon athletes, 38; records, 24, 70, 307, sog, 32I, 407; training, 49; Eng– lish championship, 49; physique for, 70 .Dickinson, R. D., 3I8, 3I9 Dietetics, 73, go, 92-93, I 10 et seq., 202 Dineen, M. D., 373 Dinnie, Donald, 22 Discus, 36; specification of, 433-434 Discus throw, 432 et seq.; records, 23, 433; precautions, So; teaching, 82-83; American athletes and, 238; compara– tive performances, 438; faults, 438-439; effort ratios, ·438; training schedules, 439 et seq. Distance running, 255 et seq. Dole, N., 3I9 Douda, F., 402 Draper, F., 272 Drew, H. P., 175 Duffy, A. F., Ig, 68, I75, 176 Duncan, K. S., 363 Dyer, H., 273 Dyson, H. G. H., So, 287, 303, 333 EADIE family, 36 Easter Schools, 58, 59 Eastman, Ben, 209, 2IO, 2I4, 274 Edward, H. F . V., 29, g6, 178, 207, 27I Edwards, Laurie, 35 Edwards, Phi!, 227 Endurance index, I35 Endurance test and pulse-ratio, I46 Energy, distribution of, 2I3 English mile medley relay, 266 English Summer School for Athletes, 29, so, 35. s6 et seq., s8; methods of, 38 et seq.; subjects taught, 40 et seq.; programme of one squad, 42 et seq.; stadium and equipment, 45-46 Equipment, 79-BI Etheridge, H. S, 364 Exercises for Athletes (Webster), 29I FACELLI, L., 282-283 Fatigue, I2g, I43 Feeding, before and on competition days, IIg-I2I Ficken, H . E ., 34I Field events, two phases, I6I-I62 Fifteen hundred metres Olympic cham- pionship, 238 Films used in training, 38, I95 Findley, W. C. A., 240 Finlay, D. 0., 2I, 279,283,285-286 Finnish Scoring Tables, I 32 Fitch, A. L., 275 Fitzgerald, A. J., 85-86 Fitzherbert, A., 363 Flack, E. H., 36, 227, 229, 257 Flanagan,J., 4I9 Flaxman, A. E., 420 Foley, Sergeant F. A., 286 Foot-work, 8I-82 Forshaw, R . E ., 3I8 Foss, Frank, 320 Fraser, C., 40I Fraser, Sir Gordon, 36 Frazier, I., 363 Fuqua, I., 274 Furlong records, Ig Furlong runner, training of, I85 Fyffe, A. H., 384 GABY, FRED, 29 Games masters, training of, 37 Gardner, R. A., 23 Garrels,J. C., 284,285 443