Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES Garrett, R. S., 432 Geise, H., 52 George, W. G., 20, 203, 239 Gibson,J. A., 307; hurdling record, 2 I Gilbert, A. C., 319, 320, 323 Gille, G., 52 Gordon, E. L., 367 Gordon, J. A., 274 Gourdin, Ed., 22, 69, 363, 364 Graber, W., 104, 331 Graphs, value of, 95 Grass u. cinder tracks, roo Gray, G. R., 401-402 Greer, Lieut. E. B., 305 Groenings, 0., 304 Ground, preparation of, 79 Guillemot, J., 227 Gutterson, Albert, 22 HAAs-GoERZ, L., 410 Hahn, Archie, I 76 Half-mile and 8oo metres, 226 et seq. Half-milers, comparative performances, 226; types, 226, 227, 228-229; train– ing for, 229-23 I; faults, 233; training schedules, 233-237 Hammer throw, 418 et seq.; records, 24, - 419,420,421; specification of hammer, 420-42 1; comparative performances, 42 I ; ideal type for, 42 I ; technique, 422 et seq.; faults, 428-429; training schedules, 429-431 Hampson, T., 206, 226, 230, 231; Boo metres record, 33, 209 Handicapping, 131-132 Harada, M., 373, 374, 376 Hardin, G., 21-22, 308, 310 Harper, E., 256 Harper, R. St G. T., 32 Harvard University coaches, 29, 39, 52 Head-positioning, I 62, I 79 Hein, K., 420 et seq. Henderson, W. E. B., 36, 37, 432-433 Hennemann, C. N., 432 Hickok, W. 0., 402 Higginson,J., father and son, 50 High hurdles, instruction for, 304, 305 High jump, 341 et seq.; records, 22-23, 28, 341, 342, 343, 345; Western Roll style, 55, 342, 344, 346, 348, 349, 352, 356, 358; Eastern Cut-off style, 56, 341,344-345.346, 348, ·349. 351-352, 358; Scissors style, 56, 343, 345, 349, 354; Straddle style, 343, 344,345, 346, 349, 358-359; freak styles, 346- 347; comparative performances, 34 7; Back Lay-out style, 347, 348, 349, 350-351; faults, 359-360; training schedules, 36!-362 Hill, A. G., I 78, 227, 228- 229, 239-240, 257 Hill, R ., 238 Hill, W. A., 96-97 Hillman, Henry, 21, 307,309 Hirschfeld, E., 402, 405, 409, 410 Hjertberg, E., 29 Hoff, Charles, 39, 70, 319, 320, 330, 334 Hoffmeister, H., 434, 435, 436 Holland, Jack, 85 Holt, E. J ., 41 Hop, step, and jump, 373 et seq.; records, 22, 69, 70, 373; comparative per– formances, 374; ideal type for, 374; teaching, 375 et seq.; technique, 375, 376-377; points to remember in coaching, 377; faults, 379-380; train- ing schedules, 380-382 ~ Horgan, Denis, 402 Horine, George, 22, 23, 55, 342, 343, 357 Houser, C., 433 Housing of athletes, 140-14! Howland, R. L., 404 Hubbard, De Hart, 69, 364 Hulbert, Murray, 140 Hurdlers, teaching, 83; starting, 167, 279; technique, 284, 288 et passim; qualifications, 306 Hurdles relay, 266 et seq. ; shuttle hurdles relays, 276-277 Hurdling, 32, r62, 278 et seq.; records, 21-22, 284, 307, 308; starting, 167, 279; classification of races, 278; com– parative performances, 278, 279; tech– nique, 279, 284, 288-289, 292 et seq.; faults, 281, 290, 295-296 ; ideal build for, 282, 287; styles, 286, 287, 289 et seq., 313; coaching, 291 ;. training schedules, 296-299, 314-317; and running, comparative table of, 309; training, 31 r. See also High hurdles, Low hurdles, and Intermediate hurdles Hutchens, Harry, 26, r74, 177, 287 Hutson, Sergeant, 255 Impedimenta, 110 Inhibition, habit of, 12 7, I 66 Insomnia, 86, 142, 143 ~ntermediate hurdles, 305 et seq.; quali- fications, 306; records, 307; style, 313 International Amateur Athletic Federa– . tion, rules, etc., 64, 132 International medley relay race, 266 JANSSON,J. G., 421 J arvinen, Matti, 386, 39o-39 I, 395; javelin-throwing world's record, 24, 54, 385 Javelin throw, 383 et seq.; records, 23- 24, 54, 383, 384, 385; styles, 384 et passim; comparative performances, 385; physique for, 385-386; equipment, 386; 444