Coaching and Care of Athletes

INDEX Comstock's style, 386-387; Szepes'style, 390; faults, 395-396; training sched– ules, 396-400; proportionate efforts, 398 . Jennings, Lieut.-Colonel Walton, 37 Jessup, P., 433 Jewett, Henry, 28 J ohnson, Ben, I 76 Johnson, C. C., 23, 353, 354 Jones, John Paul, 20, 238, 239 Jones, T. E., 301 Jumpers, instruction of, 83 KEEPER, J., 255 Ke!ler, J., 283 Kelley, D. J., r 75 Kelly, "King," 284, 285 Kennedy, R. K. I., 34 Kershaw, I. S., 35 Kiesel, R., 273 Kilpatrick, C. J., 28 King, E. H., 36 Kirby, Gustavus, I40 Kirksey, M. M., 96 Kiviat, Abel, 238 Klumberg, H., 385 Knox, W. R., 52 Kolehmainen, Hannes, 255 · Kotkas, K., 408, 409, 41 I Koutenen, A., 421 Kovacs,J., 19 Kovacs, M., 385 Kraenzlein, A., 21, 284, 304 Krenz, E., 433 Krigsmann, A. W., 52 Kuck, John, 402; shot-putting record, 23 Kulitzy, B., 434, 435 LADOUMEGUE,JULES, 20-2!, 240 Lambrecht, F. L., 401, 402 Lavery, T. P., 21, 281 Layton family, 36 Leading-up activities, 67-68 Lcahy, C., 374 Lectures, 77, 125 Leeke, Henry A., the Elder, 384,418,432 Lecke, Henry, the Younger, 418 Lehtincn, Lauri, 238 Leigh-Wood, R., 307 Lemersiaux, 257 Lemming, E., 24, 383, 384, 386 Lewden, Pierre, 46; high jump record, 38 Liddell, Eric, 209, 210 Lightbody, J. D., 227, 229, 238 Limbering up, 126, r28, 153 et seq., 195, I96, 197,203,204,253 Lindblom, G., 373 Lindstrom, N., 385 Ling, Per H., 383 Lippincott, D. F., 28, r 76 Little, T. G., 341 Locke, R. A., 19,66-67, 175 Lockwood, J. F., 363 London, Jack, I 78 London Athletic Club, 28, 34, 36 Long,Luz,68,363, 367 Long, Maxwell W., 19, 28, 208 Long jump-see Broad jump Long-distance running, r6r; heights of runners, 257; style, 257; technique, 257 et seq.; building of record-breaking ability, 258; success in, 258; training, 259· See also Marathon race Loomis, E. F., 307 Loues, Spiridon, 257 Loughborough College School of Ath– letics, Games, and Physical Education, 30, 35, 37 et seq. Lovelock,J. E., 33, 9I, 212, 243; records, 2!, 40, 43, 86, !63, 230, 240, 242, 245; world champion, 30, 32 Lovland, Captain Helge, 52 Low hurdles, 300 et seq.; records, 300, 304; style, 300 et seq., 313; build of ~ hurdlers, 303, 304; sequence of in– struction, 304-305 Lowe, D. G. A., 33, 38, 227, 228 Lutz, 0., 424, 425 Luvalle, J ., 275 Lyman,John,402, 409 Lyons, Dennis, 41 McBoNE, D., 305 McCloy, C. H. M., 62; table of perform- ances of equal value, 63 McGrath, Matt J., 419, 42I McKenzie, Dr Tait, 68 McKillop, H. A., 386 MacCabe, J oseph B., r40 Mackintosh, C. E. W., 32 McNaughton, D., 354 McNichol, Archie, 85 McNichol, G., 318 Marathon race, 227, 255 et seq.; first in reinstaurated Olympic Games, 256- 257; winners, 256, 257; training for, 263 et seq.; training off after, 265 Massage, 27, 73-74, 91, 157 Meadows, Earle, 23, 319, 320, 322 Meals, breakfast, II4-II5, I20-I2r; lun- cheon, I 15-116, I2 I; eveningmeal, I 15, 12 r; dinner, r r6, r 17; times of, r r8-I I9 Measurement of Athletic Power (McCloy), 132 Meredith, J. E., 20, 208 Meredith, Ted, 52, 229 Metcalfe,J. P., 22, 373 Metcalfe, R ., 272, 273, 274 Middle-distance running, I6I; faults, 233, 253-254 Mikkola, Jaakko, 29, 39, 42, 43, 44, 52, 240 445