Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES Mile and Isoo metres, 23S et seq.; records, 20-2 r, 23S, 239, 241; speed in first and second halves, 239-240; world's record, 240; comparative perform– ances, 242; breathing, 246; second wind, 246; finishing technique, 246; passing, 247; training schedules, 247- 253 Miller, W. W., 320, 330 Mitchell,J. S., 419 Moakley,Jack, 2S, 52 Moll, Gerald M., 41, S6, 97 Moll,J. S., 36, S6 Moloney, F. S., 2S4 Molson, -, 6S Montague, E. A., 32, 39 Morgan, V. E., 307 Morris, Glenn, 24 Morrow, -, 6S Motor-minded athlete, reflex pattern created by, 127, r66, 167, 171 Murchison, Loren, 96, 176 Murphy, Michael, 26 etseq.; on diet, I I4- r r7; and the crouch start, I 74 Murray, -, 2S4 Mussabini, Sam, 29-30, 32, 52, 96, 239- 240, 397; style taught to sprinters, r78-– !79 Myers, Lon, 207, 210 Myrra, J., 3S9 NAMBU, c., 22, 69, 363, 373, 374. 376 National College of Sport and Physical Education, sS Neame, D. M. L., 2S3 'Neighbourhood Athletics,' 29 Nelson, Alec, 30, 34, 52 New York Athletic Club, 19, 2S, 34 Newburn, W. J. M., 363, 364 Newton, Arthur F. H., long-distance records, 256; books by, 257, 25S; st;;t– tistics oftraining work, 25S; records, 259 Nicholas, T. L ., 174 Nicholson, Tom, 42 r Nikkanen, Y., 3S5, 391, 395 Niklander, E., 433 Nishida, S., 319, 321 Nokes, M. C., 32, 36, 39, 42, 43, 44, 423 Norton,J. K., 307 Nurmi, Paavo, 20, 21, 29,227,240, 245, 256; technique, 245, 25S O'BRIEN, E. T., 275 . O'Callaghan, Dr Pat, 24, 420, 425 seq., 71 et seq.; of ancient Greece, 26; national temperament seen at, 7I et seq. Osborn, Harold M., 70, 343, 347 Osteopathy, 92 Owen, John, 2S Owen, J., Junior, r74 Owens, Jesse, 172, 272, 274, 301, 305, 366, 367, 36S; records and Olympic Gold Medals, r 9, 2I, I 75, I 76, 300, 304 Oxford University coach, 30, 34 PACE, judgment of, 216, 227, 22S, 232, 235, 247 Paddock, C. W., 96; records, 19, I7S, q6; Ayres' theory conformed to, 17S; finishes by, IS4 Painton, Lieut.-Colonel George, 37 Peak performances, hints on, 95, 96-97, 99, !23, !2S Pearson, Clive, Ss Peltzer, Dr Otto, 227-22S, 229 Pennington, A., 34, 176 Pentathlon, 52, 307, 3S3 Periodicals for coaches, 63-64 Phillips, Dr Paul C., sprinters measured by, 6S-69, I 76 Pilbrow, A. G., 34 Plaw, A. D., 419 Pole vault, r6r, 31S et seq.; records, 23, 70, srS, 319, 320, 321, 330, 334; teaching, Ss; training, roo et seq.; styles, 318--3r9, 321, 322 et seq.; ideal build for, 319-320; physique and height, 320-32 r ; comparative perform– ances, 32 r ; faults, 335-336; training schedules, 336-340 Pollard, F. D., 279 Poole, J., srS Porhola, Ville, 29 Porritt, Arthur, 32 Powell, K., 2S4 Prinstein, Meyer, 374 Public Schools Athletic Challenge Cup; 35 Pulse-ratio test, schedule of, I33 et seq., 146 QUARTER-MILE and 400 metres, 206, 207 et seq.; records, I9-20, 206 et seq.; technique and tactics, 210 et seq.; train– ing for, 212; starting, 214-215 Quarter-milers, types and categories of, 206 et seq., 215; training schedules for, 2!6-224 O'Connell, F. J., 374 RAMPLING, G. L., 214, 271, 272-273, O'Connor, P. J., 22,363,374 275; quarter-mile r.ecord, 209-210 Oda, M., 356, 373, 374 Ramsdell , Tex, 6S Oe, S., 319,321 Ray, "Chesty" Joie, 244 Olympic Games, 32 et passim; (1936), Ray, T., 31S sprinting record at, 19; first post-War, Reavell-Carter, L., 437 at Antwerp, 20; modern, 24, 25, 32 et Records, modern, significance of, 19 Bt scq. 446