Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND . CARE OF ATHLETES Tatham, W. G., 307 Taylor, F. M., 307, goB Teaching and Training Athletes (Webster), I22-I23 Ten miles, the, 256 Terr.y, A., 3B5 Testing programmes, I33 et seq. Tewanami, L., 255 Text-books, 57-5B Thomas,-, go, 32, B6 Thomson, Earl, 2I, 2B5 Thorntbn, G. R., 4rB Thornton, J. St L., 33-34 Three and six miles, training schedules for, 260 et seq. Throwing men, teaching, Bg Time schedules, 95 et seq. Tindall, H. C. L., 20, zoB, 2IO Tisdall, R. M. N., gg, gog, goB-gio Tobacco, abstinence from, I I I Toivonen, K., gB5 Tolan, Eddie, I76, 273 Tolmich, A., 2B2 Toppino, E., 273 Toribino, S., 354 Torrance, J., 23, 3IO, 402-403, 4Io; style, 55 Towns, F. G., 2I, 279, zBo-f!BI, 2B5 Track and Field Athletics (Bresnahan and Tuttle), r6B Track events, I6 I et passim Training graphs, 144, 145, rgB, 253 Training Rules and Hints, of Yale Uni- versity Athletic Association, 66 Training schedules, BB et seq., ror; building of, 122 et seq. Training season, four periods of, r6r Tremeer,J., 307 Turk, A. S., 41, Z75 Tuttle, W. W., on low hurdling technique, gor. See also Bresnahan and Tuttle Tuulos, V., 373 VALSTE, ARMAs, 29, gB, 46, 52, 375, 41 r Van der Merwe, 0., 41 r Van Houten, V. J., grB, 321 Van Osdel, R., 354 Varoff, G., 23 Viljoen, J. H ., gB, 46 WALKER, R., 6B, q6 Ward, Ben, 2B4 Ward, P. D., 34 Warming up and cooling down, I53 et seq. Warner, K., 274 Warngard, 0. A., 42I Webster, F. R., 73, 320-32I, 329, 33I, 334, 336; records, 34, gB, 3 Ig; coach– ing, B6, 97-gB, 100-103; Olympic performance, 103-I04; graph and weight chart, I44, 145; early train– ing, 320 Wefers, B. J., 176; records, Ig, zB; suc– cesses, I74-175 Weight, iraportance of, ~rgi , 132, I43- 144 Weight charts, kc:;pt by coaches, 144-I46, IgB,zos Weight- (shot-) putting records, 23 Weightman-Smith, G. C., 33, 304 Wendell,J. I., 2I, 6B, 304 Wheeler,]., grB Why?-The Science of Athletics (Webster), Ill Wide, Erling, 20, 240 Wilcox, -, zoB Williams, A. F., 210, 273, 275; 400 metres world's record, 20, 2I4; quarter– mile record, 206 Winter, A. W., 22, 373, 376 Winter training, res, Io6 Woellke, H., 403, 406, 409 Wolff, f. F., 272, 275 Woodburn, E., grB Wooderson, S. C., 21, 206-2o7, 229, 240, 243> 244 Woodruff, John, 227, 228, 244 World Students' Championships, I4I et passim Wright, M. S., 23, 3I9 Wykoff, Frank, q6, 272, 273, 274; re– ( cords, rg, 175 YALE UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC AssociATION, 66 Yale University coaches, 52 Young, R. C., 271, 275 ZABALA, j. C., 256