Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF .ATHLETES instruction by one coach at any particular time must be strictly limited. It was decided, therefore, to divide those taking part in Course I into eight or more squads of not more than a dozen men each. The work that is done at the English Summer School may best be illustrated by the following fortnight's programme for one squad. The programme of other squads was, of course, similar, except that the order in which the various events were studied was different. PROGRAMME OF ONE SQUAD AT LouGHBOROUGH SuMMER ScHooL, 1936 g-Io. IO- I I. I 1.30-I2.30. 2.I5-3·I5. 3·I5-4·15. 8. g-Io. IO-II. I 1.30-I2.30. 2. I5-3·I5. 3· I5-4·I5. 8. g-Io. · ID-I I. I I .30-I 2.30. 2.I5-3·I5. g-Io. IO-I I. I 1.30-I2.30. 2.I5-3 · I5 · Monday, August 17 Demonstration (high and long jumps). Long jump. Putting the weight. High jump. Throwing the hammer. Lecture. Tuesday, August 18 Demonstration (discus and javelin). Hurdles. Throwing the discus. Pole vault. Throwing the javelin. Lecture. Wednesday, August 19 Demonstration (hurdles and pole vault). Revision of weight, javelin, and discus (under Captain Webster). Revision of pole vault and long jump. Revision of hurdles and high jump (under Mr J aakko Mikkola). Hammer (under Mr Nokes). Lecture. Thursday, August 20 Demonstration (hammer and weight). Long jump. Putting the weight. High jump. 42