Coaching and Care of Athletes

THE ENGLISH SUMMER SCHOOL METHOD g-IO. IO-I I. I 1.30-I2.30. 2.I5-3·I5. 3·I5-4·I5. 8. g-ro. IO-I I. II.30-12.30. 2.I5-3·I5. 8. g. g-IO. IO-I I. I I .30-1 2.30. 2.15-3·15. 3·I5-4·I5· 8. g-ro. ID-I I. I 1.30-I2.30. 2.I5-3·I5. 3·I5-4·I5· 8. g-ro. IO-I I. Throwing the hammer. Lecture. Friday, August 21 Demonstration (high and long jumps). Hurdles. Throwing the discus. Pole vault. Throwing the javelin. Lecture. Saturday, August 22 Demonstration (discus and javelin). Revision of weight, javelin, and discus (under Captain Webster). Revision of pole vault and long jump. Revision of hurdles and high jump (under Mr J aakko Mikkola) and hammer (under Mr Nokes). Lecture (Mr Lovelock on "Running"). Sunday, August 23 Demonstration of running by Mr Lovelock. Monday, August 24 Demonstration (hurdles and pole vault). Coaching practice (long jump). , , (weight). , , (high jump). , , (hammer). Film. Tuesday, August 25 Demonstration (hammer and weight). Coaching practice (hurdles). , , (discus) . , , (pole vault). , , (javelin). Lecture. Wednesday, August 26 Demonstration (discus and javelin). Revision of weight, javelin, and discus (under Captain Webster). 43