Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING EDUCATION extended programmes of athletic preparation. David Holmes' Movies on Paper is another valuable work, and so is the small pocket volume A Practical Handbook on Track and Field Athletics, by Dr G. Hamilton Ayres, of Beverly Hills School, California. Among English publications I should give a very high place to Running, by the famous world's record-holder A. F. H. Newton (Witherby), so far as distance work is concerned. A recent addition to athletic literature, which I regard as a distinct advance on anything of its kind previously written, is Track and Field Athletics, by George T. Bresnahan and W. W. Tuttle, Ph.D. (H. Kimpton). The former is track coach and Assistant Professor of Physical Education in the University of Iowa, and the latter Associate Professor of Physiology at the same seat of learning. The authors deal with the whole gamut of athletic events, the conditioning and maintaining in condition of a track and field team, and the recent advances in the study of technique. In connection with the training of schoolboys I think particular mention should be made of R. M. N. Tisdall's charming little book The Young Athlete (Blackie), and Physical Education for Boys, by G. W. Hedley and G. W. Murray (Methuen). The latter is _J:Y-ritten by schoolmasters for schoolmasters, and covers a vast field leading up to athletic competition. The foregoing are books dealing with track and field athletics. We have still to consid~r the kindred subjects. Personally I have gained much knowledge in this connec– tion by reading a,nd .re-reading the Wingate Memorial Lectures, edited by E. Dana Caulkins, assistant to the President of the Public Schools Athletic League of New York.· The Lectures were published annually by the Wingate Memorial Foundation until the slump h1t America in 1933. They may, however, no longer be available. Historically-and every coach should be able to tell tales of the men who have made athletic history, and to point his argu– ments and advice with trenchant an<i:cdotes-I would recommend Greek Athletics, by F. A. Wright (Cape); Athletics of the Ancient World, by E. Norman Gardiner (Oxford University Press);. the previously mentioned Athletics, by Lowe and Porritt; the whole of the Olympic Reports for the Olympiads from 1908 to 1936 (with the exception of 19~:w, for which year no official report was issued), which may be obtained from the British Olympi~ 61