Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES daily by air mail, and yet can get his editor to devote but a meagre space to the results of foreign meetings. The coach is recommended to take regularly World Sports, 6d. monthly (Mills Publishing Co., London); Athletic Journal (John L. Griffith, 6858 Glenwood Avenue, Chicago); Scholastic Coach (]. Lippert, 250 East 43rd Street, New York); The Amateur Athlete (D. Ferris, 233 Broadway, New York); The Research Q,uarterly (pub– lished March, May, October, and December by E. D. Mitchell, 31 r Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.); The Journal rif Health and Education (published monthly by E. D. Mitchell); and, of Continental publications, L'Athlitisme (France), · Stockholms Dagblad (Sweden), Nemzeti Sport (Hungary), and Der Leichtathlet (Germany). To all .ofthe above-mentioned periodicals first-class coaches and leading authorities throughout the world contribute informative articles. Those in the Research Q,uarterly are usually of a highly scientific nature. Annual publications which the coach will find valuable are The A.A.A. Official Handbook (published by the Amateur Athletic Association, London); Games and Sports in the Army (Army Sport Control Board, War Office, London); Athletic and Games Hand– book (R.A.F. Sports Board, Air Ministry, London); and the following books published by the American Sports Publishing Co., 45 Rose Street, New York- A.A. U. Track and Field Rules, The A .A . U. Official Almanac, and _The National Collegiate A.A. Official Handbook. It is, of course, essential that the coach should keep himself absolutely up to date in the matter of the amendment .of old rules and the passing of new rules gov~rning athletic competition. The books mentioned above will keep him right so far as the United States and Great Britain are concerned; but the rules of the governing bodies for these two countries de> not always coincide with the Continental rules, which, however, are practi– cally always in agreement with the rules passed for the govern– ment of international competition by the International Amateur Athletic Federation. The rules and proceedings of the international governing body can be obtained upon application to the Secretary, I.A.A.F., Vesteras, Sweden, at the price of one and sixpence. It is obviously necessary for the coach to familiarize himself with all rules governing competition and to keep up to date in this respect. He should also be aware of current performances and the latest records, in order that he may point his pupils to 64