Coaching and Care of Athletes

COACHING AND CARE OF ATHLETES bad massage increases fatigue and results only in the bruising of already overworked muscles. Another point that coaches should insist on is that masseurs wash their hands thoroughly with antiseptic soap .between attend– ing to each athlete, as this prevents the passing on of boils and skin diseases. Where he is in charge of a single athlete the coach, provided he is qualified to do so, sh~uld, I think, himself give the massage. When one is coaching a single athlete there is bound to be a considerable personal friendship, and the athlete, or so it seems to me, derives more benefit from treatment by the coach in whom he has confidence than at the hands of a masseur perhaps more efficient, or at any rate more highly qualified. I think that athletic conferences for the squad that one is train– ing provide an excellent means of getting athletes to discuss their difficulties and to express their points of view, which often are illuminating not only to their brother athletes, but to the coach himself. 74 J "