Fifty Years of Progress 1880-1930
A REVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL SIDE OF THE A.A.A. and Germany we have improved our financial position, and look forward to the future to bring in still better results, and place us in a position that would put us within measurable distance of substantially assisting from our own Funds towards acquiring what is our heart's desire-an A.A.A. Stadium. The following is a brief summary of our financial position on December 31st, 1929 :- AssETs Cash at Bank (Current and Deposit Accounts) Investments Office Furniture • Medal Dies, Entry Forms, etc. Deduct Sundries owing (includin, Income Tax, £ s. d. 1,845 3 II 3,968 18 3 80 0 0 57 7 0 [5,951 9 2 £341 17 6) 464 18 IO Surplus £5,486 10 4 It should be noted that the value of the numerous Challenge Cups is not brought into the Accounts. In conclusion, I trust this review of the financial side of the work of the Association may prove interesting. The matter offinance and accumulation of funds is not perhaps indicative of the activities of the Association. This is to be seen more from the results which are obtained from the energetic work of so many enthusiasts who are willing and able to give up their time and the benefit of their experience in the promotion and administration ofthe sport for the help and guidance of the youth ofthe country. It is true that finance must be considered in schemes brought forward, but judging by the results to-day, finance has followed rather than led the development and promotion of Amateur Athletics, which, under the guidance of those loyal supporters who have carried on the work from time to time and now for fifty years, has commanded the respect and admiration of the whole world. Lord Alverstone and Sir Montague Shearman, among others, have borne witness to the high standard to which Amateur Athletics has been raised, and have encouraged us in our work. It is a great work. We must pull together as a team and maintain the high standard and position the Association has attained, and of which we are all justly proud. IOI
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