Fifty Years of Progress 1880-1930

Southern Committee Representati<Ves. H. M. ABRAHAMS, Middlesex W. H. KING, Metro. Police A.A. County A.A.A. H. C. LOMAX, Surrey Walking Club. E. C. BARRY, S. Thames C.C.A. B. C. LONG, Polytechnic H. J. T. BRIDGES, Berks & Oxon C.C.A. D. G. A. LOWE, Achilles Club. H. G. BROCKMAN, Kent County C. W. F. PEARCE, Herne Hill H. A.A.A. W. J. PEPPER, London Business W. C. A. FINDLAY, Herne Hill H. Houses A.S.A. A. E. S. GASCOIGNE, Essex County E. TOMLINSON, North of Thames C. & A.A. C.C.A. F. L. GILBERT, Blackheath H. * A. S. TURK, Essex County C. & T. K. GRANT, Kent County A.A.A. A.A. E. J. HOLT, S.L.H. J. F. WADMORE, Southern Counties B. IVEs, Queen's Park H. C.C.A. W. C. JEWELL, Highgate H. • Elected a Vice-President since the election of the Southern Committee. National Cross-Country Union Representati<Ve, J. TAYLOR. Road-Walking Association Representati<Ve, E. H. NEVILLE, together with two representatives each from the Navy, Army, Air and Territorial Forces, Police A.A., and one representative each from Oxford University A.C., Cambridge University A.C., and Universities Athletic Union. Hon. Auditors : J. E. RHODES, Northern Counties A.A. A. C. WHITE, Midland Counties A.A.A. H. G. BROCKMAN, Southern Committee, A.A.A. Trustees: THE PRESIDENT. W. M. BARNARD. G. V. A. SCHOFIELD. Hon. Treasurer: W. M. BARNARD, Polytechnic H. and L.A.C. Hon. Secretary: SIR HARRY BARCLAY, Blackheath H. and L.A.C. Hon. Championships Secretary: E. J. HOLT, S.L.H. Hon. Team Secretary : J. F. WADMORE, Herne Hill H. Assistant Secretary : G. H. HOGSFLESH. Offices of the Association– ro, JOHN STREET, ADELPHI, LONDON, W.C. 2. IO TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS : " ATHLETE LONDON." TELEPHONE No.: TEMPLE BAR 4812. •