Fifty Years of Progress 1880-1930
A.A.A. PUBLICATIONS "THE CoNsTITUTION LAws OF THE A.A.A." Post free, 6d. "RuLES FOR CoMPETITIONS UNDER A.A.A. LAws." Post free, 6d. "ANNUAL HA DBOOK." Clubs and Associations, ames and Addresses of Hon. Secretaries, Dates of Athletic Meetings, etc., etc. Price, IS.; by post, rs. 2d. "THE ADVANTAGES OF HOLDING ATHLETIC MEET! GS UNDER A.A.A. LAws." Free. "THE ORGA 1sAT10 AND MA AGEME T oF ATHLETIC MEETI cs," compiled by H.F. Pash, C. Otway and J. F. Wadmore, 2nd Edition (with plans of tracks). Free. Contents: Organisation and Management. The Chief Things to be Considered. Programme of Events. Advertising. Appointment of Officials. Entry Forms, Entry Fees and Prospectus. Ruled Book for Entries. Competitors' Tickets. Prize Fund. The Selection of Prizes. Exhibition of Prizes. The Printing of the Programme. Regulations in Programme. List of Officials in Programme. Timing of Events in Programme. Order of Events in Programme. Arrangement of Ground. Band. Officials' Badges. Competitors' umbers. The Hon. Secretary. Officials. Results. Protests and Emergencies. Finance, Gate Money, etc. Presentation of Prizes. These Publications can be obtained from the Offices of the Associa– tion:- 10, John Street, Adelphi, W.C.2.
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