Fifty Years of Progress 1880-1930
A.A.A. JUBILEE SOUVENIR H.F. PASH: Competed in open events from 1892 to r906, winning prizes at seventeen distances, from 7 5 yards to Io miles, including Essex Quarter-mile Championship in r900. Member of the Committee of Essex County Association since r 898, Hon. Secretary 1909-1919, and Chairman in recent years. President Blackheath Harriers 1926-1927. Hon. Treasurer L.A.C. r926-r927. Founded and edited L.A.C. News. An elected member of A.A.A. Southern Committee from r909 to r926, Hon. Auditor 1915-r926, and Chairman of the Publications Committee since its formation in r924. Elected a Vice-President of the A.A.A. in r926. C. J. PRATT : Joined the Polytechnic Harriers in r 8 86, and acted as Hon. Secretary r 891-1898, and again in 1902. Vice-President and Chairman of the Committee. A member of the L.A.C. since 1897 and President in 1929. Past President of Southern Counties Cross-Country Association and National Cross-Country Union. A Timekeeper at the Championships and at the Olympic Games in 1908 and 1924, and President of the Timekeepers at the Olympic Games at Amsterdam in 1928. A member of the Southern Committee for over thirty years, he was elected Chairman in 1923 and a Vice-President of the A.A.A. in 1925. A. S. TuRK: Born at Derby, and after entering the Civil Service com– peted in his first open race ( 1 mile) in 1887, and his last ( r oo yards) in r897. Won the Essex !-Mile Championship in 1891-1893 and r895- r 897, and has been Hon. Secretary of the Essex County Association since r920. Represented his Club in seventeen cross-country Championships. Past President of Southern Counties Cross-Country Association and Vice– President of National Cross-Country Union. First Chairman (1926) of Counties Athletic Union. Member of Executive Committee, Civil Service A.A., Vice-President of South London Harriers. Elected a member of Southern Committee in 1912, and became Vice-Chairman in 1926. Elected a Vice-President of A.A.A. in r930. F. E. WESTIN: One of the oldest members of the Northern Counties A.A., having been a member of the Executive Committee for more than thirty years, and a member of the A.A.A. General Committee for twenty– two years. He was President of the Northern Counties A.A. in 1912. His Club, the Brighouse C.C. and B.C., is one of the oldest clubs in the North of England, having held fifty-six annual athletic meetings. After acting as Hom Secretary of the West Riding District Committee of the N.C.A.A., he was succeeded by his son, W. S. Westin. A Judge at the Championships and other important events. Elected a Vice-President of the A.A.A. in 1929. r4
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