Fifty Years of Progress 1880-1930

THE FIRST MEETING AT OXFORD (APRIL 24TH, 1880) I TERESTI G DISCUSSIO S IN response to an invitation of the Oxford University and Cambridge University Athletic Clubs, a meeting was held at the Randolph Hotel, Oxford, on Saturday, April 24th, 1880, for the purpose of forming an Amateur Athletic Association. Mr. B. R. Wise, Oxford University Athletic Club, presided, and the following were present:- mateur Athletic Club: Mr. J. G. Chambers, Mr. A. G. Payne; Cambridge University Athletic Club: Mr. E. Storey (Trinity College), *Mr. L. Knowles (Trinity College), Mr. R.H. Macaulay (King's College); Civil Service Athletic Club: Mr. C. Herbert, Mr. H. Tomlinson; German Gymnastic Society: Mr. J. W. Macqueen; London Athletic Club: Mr. J. Waddell ; Midland Counties Athletic Association : Mr. J. Anderton, Mr. Frank Smith; ewport (Monmouth) thletic Club : Mr. R. Mullock; orthem Counties Athletic Association: Mr. C. E. Barlow, Mr. T. G. Sharpe, Mr. R. Chorley, Mr. H. C. Faram, Mr. T. M. Abraham, Mr. G. Duxfield; orthampton Athletic Club: r. J. Ingman; orth of Thames Cross Country Union: Mr. C. F. Turner, Mr. J.E. Dixon; Oxford University thletic Club: Mr. C. . Jackson (Hertford College), Mr. M. Shearman (St. John's College), Mr. W. N. Bruce (Balliol College); Reading Athletic Club: Mr. J. Suddaby; South London Harriers: Mr. Jas. Gibb; Thames Hare and Hounds: Mr. Walter Rye; United Hospitals Athletic Union: Mr. W. Waddell; Woodbridge Athletic Club: Mr. E. R. Wood. Mr. B. R. Wise was elected Chairman of the meeting. FoRMATIO OF THE AssOCIATIO The Chairman said his first duty was a pleasing one-it was, on behalf of the Oxford University Athletic Club, to welcome to Oxford the repre– sentatives from the leading Athletic Clubs. He hoped the willingness to co-operate in the objects set out in their circular was a sign that the questions which had been troublesome for so long would be satisfactorily settled and the discussion conducted with good temper, and that every one who found his individual opinions could not be adopted would withdraw * Afterwards Sir Lees Knowles, Bart. 15