Girl Athletes in Action

l ll~RDLING (2) Thrnw the leading kg stifH) fornard, as though )Oll me.rnt to the top rail of the hurdle, but t.1he care th.n you get ,1 full and direet dri, e right oft tlu.: toes of the foot of the rear kg~ and kt the rear kg hang. \ -. the leading kg is thnm n forn ard ..rnd up the trunk is inclined slight!) forward lrom the hips, "hilc the hand on the opposite sick of the body to the leading kg is thrust fon,ard and dcmn tcmards the top rail of the hurdle. The ,\rist of the other hand must not, on an: account, be allcmed to pass in rear of its corresponding hip. The purposc of thrusting the hand opposed to the leading kg dcmn tcm,1rds the hurdle is to inducc a full bod) dip and, ,1t the same time, to keep the shoulder-. square to the hurdle. :\Ji~s \Yebb~ in Fig. .2., has cmph.isised ,tll the essential points of this stage of hurdle ch:;irancL most admir.1 bly. Her for,, ard bodr inclination and the easy poise of her hl·ad, which has not ch.rnged its position .;ince she ,, as seen in the '-printing angle in thl: pre– ceding picture, Fig. 1, arc t,,o e\.ccllent features of her style. It should be noted that :\Ji"" \\'ebb is not looking at the top r,1il of the hurdle she is .1bout to negotiate. She is, in fact~ \\;ttching the <:,pot \\here her ri~ht foot v,ill land . .\n instant later here) e~ \\ill be lifted to the top rail of the next ensuing hurdle.