Girl Athletes in Action
H "'R LL (3) .·E of the ol en rule of hurdling i c.-emplific in Fi . Thi rule require that the hurdler houl con tantly keep her chin in adnnce f the knee o her leadin leg. he leadin le i tretche ou to a oin when.: a di tinct ull i felt n the tendon. a the back of the knee. :\Ieanwhile, the o y-di ccome much more pronounce ut it houl be noted that :\Ii \\'ebb. · . 3 get her dip b · inclinin her trunk forn ar he hi while keepin her hea eauti ullr . It i a mi ake to uck the chin in to he chc o o many hurdler . • ..ote hat the lcft arm i a full v trai<rl1tcnc l a the ri ht le which it balance i c~tcndcd and hat the finger arc rcachin out to the lc\'cl of the toc::- he hand bein pointed Ji htly downward in a dircc line with he hurdler' line of progre ion. It will be ecn hat he ri h hand hol · a balance po ition, fore– arm arallel to he ground elbow le\'el , ·ith, and not chin he hi an tha the back le -hang i n , being conYerted , a circular mo,·emcn of the hi join in it ~ode ,· to an u ward and outward lift o he lef knee . In the next mo\'cmen he ldt knee \·ill c pid:c ri o-ht u to the le\'cl of he left . houl 11.:r. The o y dip l cc he hurdler in a falling n ·ar F o ition an enable her to get o .,.round quid.l:, . n ac ion \ 1 hich i fur her accelerated h: the f rw, r l and dowm ·ard hru t of the le t ,um. The arm– ac ion. combined with the hi h pick-ur of th r r knee en. urc harmoniou · co-n.:la ion of limh me, men in the fir tridc ,if er hurdle clear:rn ' . nd al un crac th<.: athk <.:' natural inclinati on , hur l id war .
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