Girl Athletes in Action

9 H TR LL (+) Co. 11.·c off the hurdle for the next tri e aftcr clear– ance the a hle c will appreciate the value of the fonvar bo ,·-lean and he high ick-u a tion to houl er level of the knee of the rear le . T nle a g od forward lean ha ccn maintain d he hur Iler will land from clearance in an upri h po ition and \\·ill e una le o rint on cfore .he ha a ain in lined her o r fon ·ard. If the rear knee i not ·nap e up o he houl er he e cannot be hrown ahca in a full tri e in a vance of the oot which ha · alrcad,· reachc the roun · and con cquentlv it ,,vill not he o _ib]e t nc otia c the i tance ben een hurdle in he three rcgula. ion ride be wcen landing and take-off . . Ii Webb, a can be een in Fi ,. +, i coming t round in a l erfc tly halanced po ition with her trunk main ainin a prof er angle of inclination her 1 c d mo a mirably pni cd ::nd he lcf t knee well i } o t i or a } i 0 h ick-up act ion, a ht.: righ foo bnd . . The cho -down action oi he leading leg .o th the ri h foo may et to ground a raF idly a lo ·ible i ar icularlr no cwonhy. 'I he arm balance i equally he fac tha the ri h oot i approachin the groun "ith th toe pointing tr, i ht ahead h uld al o he remarked · and finally, h' way in which hL: rear le 1 i coming t1 rou ,Ji with the knee lea in, in re ar, i n for he id- u prccc ing the nc. f, r vard ride af er lie rieht font ha landed, liould be n te<l and c I ied.