Girl Athletes in Action

Tll'RD I.T NG (5) Tm: Yaluc of thc proper method of effecting hurdle cle.1rance, ;1s slHm n h) 1\ liss \\ ebh in Figs. 2 to+, is re, ealed in Fig. 5, in "hich it will be seen that her fornard hody-le.111, forward and do" m, ard thrust of the arm opposed to the le;1ding leg, " ell balanced check of the other arm at the hip, and high knee pick-up of the rear leg ha,e enabled her to get away with a full stride, ~lfter placing dm, n her right foot in completion of hurdle clearance. It will be seen in Fig. 5 that :\ Jiss \ \'ebb is still holding the correct fon1,,c.1rd inclination of the body, so that she is, in fact, running to catch up her m,n equilibrium. !\one the.: less, her action is , err different to that of the ordinary sprinter, and it will be sc.:en that she is using a swinging gait to carrr her o,er the space bernecn hurdles in tht.: requi,ite three strides. ~ote the poise of the head, the squareness of the breast to the direction in ,,hich the hurdler is running and the free leg-action, ,, ith the feet passing close to the ground. The arm balance is good, but one point which the reader must on no account O\ erlouk i" th.n there is no wasteful lid..-up by the heel of the rear leg. Finally~ it shou ld be noted that the traction and the placing of the fect an; still dircctl) forward. \.0