Girl Athletes in Action

LON(; JL' \IP ~L':\ I \ f \R\ Tm: long jumper, ming an approach run of :tbout 100 ft., sprints at top spet:d down the indc.r path, modi f) ing the last three strides :t'- she concentrates on :tchie, ing a t:tkc off with the heel pbccd down first and the spikes gripping the uke off board. She con – centrates, al:i<.>, on guting ekvatinn right oil the board , lets the jumping leg hang while the free kg is kicked only half-way up to what might be its full cleY,ttion. T hereupon the leading leg is kicked down and b.tck, just: as if;\ stride was being taken on the ground. At the s:tm_t.: time the jumping kg comes through to the front and describes a simil:ir arc, thus making a second running-in-the-air stride. .\ third stride ma 1 be made in the same wav. Then· tht.: rear kg at the moment is brought up to the leading leg and the shoot landing is instituted. Up to this stage the hod) has been maintained erect, or has been inclined forward at an angle of about 75 degrees, as in sprinting. In effecting the bn<ling, however, the trunk is forced down O\ er the thighs, as the legs shoot out and the .1rms swing back. As the heels take the sand, the arms arc re-.wung from rear to front, thus li fting the body forward over the fulcrum of the feet, bedded in the ~and, ~md the legs arc aga in xtcnded to lift the jumper om\ards~ so that she docs not spoil her jump h: sitting down in the pit. ._,