Girl Athletes in Action

DfoCLTS (2 "'.I> 3) So,rn girls find :i good de:11 of preliminary swinging c:teadics their nen-es for the turn. In which case takt; :tn casr st mce with the feet at R1 and L1 (diagram in Fig. 1) :rnd swing the discus across the bod} as shcmn in Fig. 2, letting the \\'L·ight go across on to the left kg and turning the hand palm upwards tow;trds tht; end of the S\\ing; bend the left knee but do not turn it im, ;1rds, bend the right leg im, .1rds at the knee, ,tnd turn the trunk from right to left, but do not turn the hips mort; than aver) little. Then straighten the legs and turn the trunk right round from le.ft to right, but the hips not so much~ and transfer the weight to the right leg as the hand holding the discus swings loosely up. On the last backward swing of all, shift the left foot back on to the line, transferring it from LI to L2., let the discus hand go right up and, just before you begin the turn, .ts shown in Fig. 3, drop the left shoulder \\ith the chin pointed over the point of tliL shoulder and the head inclined to the left. Notice the bent arm balance of the kft mn, which will lead the turn, while the head directs the movement. 'J• ,..::,