Girl Athletes in Action

D ISCl S FIL7'I Sl1.:\ Il\ I \RY (1) Tm: eight sma ll summ:1ry pictures, portraying the action of Frl. Fki~chcr, ;tn excellent Guman a thletc., arc very notable, for they sho\.\ .1 ~cqucncc of act ion \\ hich should explain much to nm ice or c:xi,ert. The first group of four pictures portr.1ys the smooth bodr turn and free right arm swing to shoulder-level, but no higher, in Figs. I and 2, both .1ctions prel iminary to the start of the half- turn on the left foot, arc shown, although, in Fig. 2, the sway of the body and the turning of th<.: head to the left suggest the actu.d commcnct.:mcnt of the lcf t foot spin, to which they arc leading up. In Fig. 3 the feet ha, c not moved, but the mist of the trun1. from right to left, and the bod) kan to the ldt., v.ith the \vcight going on to the ldt leg, with both knees bent, is starting the turning movement, which is being led b) the left arm, \\hilc the r ight arm trails behind, hanging loosely from the shoulder. Tn Fig. 4 thL half- tum on the ldt foot is well ad,•.tnced, with the weight of the hody well above the left foot, but the balance is just beginning to go m er to the r ight, preparatory to completing the half- turn b 1 placing dcmn the right foot. ~otc how th 1 • .knees arc flexed during the turning movement and that the shoulders arc kq1t le\cl. The half-turn on the ldr foot must not he too fa st. - , 1