Girl Athletes in Action

DISCU~ FILl\l SUl\ ll\ 1 \RY (z) I s .Fig. 5 the thnmer is ne;1ring the comple tion of the three-quarters turn on th e right foot; the weight is .kept \,ell had oH·r dw right leg, on which the thnmer is spinning, hod) and leg hold ;1 slight crouch, the left arm is in balance, ready to lead the throw, .md the chin is \,ell down mer the point of the left shoulder. The right arm swings free and rcl::ixed, while the left kg is being r::iiscd, b) a heel pick-up, preparator; to being put do\\ n for the throwing stance. 'rhe thrcming position is j mt being reached in Fig. 6, but the weight is still b;1d m er the right leg. Note the positioning and attitude of the legs, "'ith right knee at right :mglcs to the hips. The spin on the right foot should be \'Cr)' rapid. In Fig. 7 we sec how the throm.:r turns in her right knee, as the weight begins to go orward against the right foot n The slight bending bad. of the figure, v.ithout hollowing the back~ and: aho, the hang of thL right arm, and the bending back of the hca<l arc notable points of perkction. The thrower, as seen in Fig. 8, has juc.t despa tchcd the discus, \\ ith a strong sweep of the arm to shoulder-lcn:l from the. pnsition shown in Fig. 7. .Note le, cl shoulders, breast and hips squa re to the front _, dri,ing right, and stifI left, leg and the walk-like attitude of the legs, which is always a sign of efficient throwing, or 5hot putting. Left foot is point<:d in the direction nf the throw and a full follcm - through action is com mcncing. ..... ......J -......1