Girl Athletes in Action

SI10T-Fl 1 LL \CTIO:--: FIL:.\T Sl'l\T:\I \RY (1) J T11IS1" thl' only way tn clc:d satisfactorily \\ith the full .tction of shot putting with the glide will be bJ summar groups of film pictures tn shcl\\ each ph:isc: of rc:l.tted :1ct inn in its ~equenCL'. The first group covers the prclimin:tr} S\\ing ;rnd the start of the glide. In Fig. 1 he shot is tucked snuglv into the neck, ,\ith the dhcnv directlv hchinJ it; the left arm holds :t rcl.ned balance· (note drooping hand) ; and the ,, eigl~t is m er the right leg, a,; the tm:.s of the left foot rest lightl) on the grClund . The ldt kg .1nd arm arc lifted simultaneously and the balance goes further b.1d cner the right kg, .. 1s the left arm and Jci:r, ·working in perfect harmon}, start the circular moYement ,\hich travels forward, up, to the ldt and back; note e.. ts} relaxation Clf left arm and leg in Fig. The athlete~ as $Cen in Fi_g- 3, sinks directly dcmn h) bending the right J..nee, without turning it to either side, as the left leg is carried h.tck and the left arm remains in baLmce, both limbs being flexed an cxactl 1 corresponding amount . Then comes explosive action. From the crouch shown in Fig. 3, the ldt leg and arm ~wing strongly to the front, as shcl\\ n in Fig. + (again note perfect C<)· relation of lim h action) andJ simultaneously, the athlete glides forward by the power of the dri\c nf her right leg, combined with the pm\·Lr of the forward swing of the.. left k g and arm, buL he cardul to rotate the left arm a littk and to keq1 it dm\n to approximately level. h.. ctp the head set squarely .ind turned a little tcmard s the left ~lwulder. Elhcm must be.. in rear of the shot. ...... ,