Girl Athletes in Action

STl OT - FULJ , ACTIOJ\ FT LJ\ f SUi\ Il\IARY (z) I'm: second group of pictures covers the g lide, bnding, ;rnd start of the delivery ac tion . It \\jJl be noticed that while the athlete is crossing the circle, with bo th fee t off t he ground, the pose of the ldt leg changes only by a sl ight rotation of that limb inwards, the right kg, however (Fig. 5), is brought forward rather curiously, by the closing of the right thigh imvards and the turning of the knee outwards, so that the pendant foot comes directly below the right shoulder, the knee and foot being turned out at right angles to the body. During the glide the Jcf t arm is dropped, and the trunk twisted urther back from left to right, the right elbow rising simultaneously while the chin turns further towards the left shoulder. Correct landing form at R2 (sec diagram on page I 78) is seen in Fig. 6. The right foot lands first, with the right knee turned out at right angles, the shoulders arc twisted to the limit of left to right rotation and the lcf arm_, almost fully extended, swings across with the hand opposite to the right knee; the shot must be held into the neck, with the elbow in rear (Fig. 6). ""\ fraction of a second after the right foot landing, the left foot is put down twenty degrees to the left of the line of direction (feet at R2 and Lz, sec diagram, page 178). The ball of the left great toe take~ the ground, with the leg partly flexed and the knee t urncd slightly inwards. Then the body begins a new twist from right to left (Fig. 7). Sec how the raised left elbow is leading the trunk rotation, and note the turning in of the right knee as right leg-action begins to transfer the weight forward on to the left kg. In Fig. 8, with left ~lbmv still leading the action and le ft shoulder high , the right kg is thrusting up the right hip, the left leg is stiffening and the body is coming rounc.l. '°