Girl Athletes in Action

SHOT FULL \ (" /'TON FfL~T ~U:\L\1 \RY (3) Tim third grnup of pictures cmcr the deliver) .tctinn, mainl.\ ,1rm \\or!.., and the fo!Jo,.,,·– through :111d short reverse. In Fig. 9 the shot put tcr completed the rig1H leg dri\ e and has t nrned in her right knee to a proper \\;ilk like ,tttitudc of the legs. The ldt leg is now sen ing as the f ukrum nf the ddivcr} ; the brc;t$t and hips are squa re to the direction of the put; the shoulde rs arc k,·cl, \\ith the ldr arm in balanet.:; the head going back, and the right elbow is well raised in n.:ar of the shot. The ,,eight is all on the ldt leg and the arm delivery drive has In Fig. 10 the right foot is off the ground, hut the Jthlctc is getting her final leg driYe impetus bv a ri se on the toes of the left foot. The shot will le;~\'C he~ hand, aided by a final wrist· and finger Hick outward~, a.., the left leg and the right arm, simultancouslv. reach full extension . ..~!'he sh~t has just lcf t, the hand, and the· athlete.:, as shown in .Fig. 11, has her whole figure at full stre tch; she.: is right up on the toes of th~ left foot, stretching out after the shot with right arm and shoulder in a pcrfrct follow-through. "°ote that the left shoulder has not dropped, although the right shou lder has been forced up above normal shoulder-level. The left arm is tucked into the side bent at the dbo,\. Fig. 1 2 shows a short re, ersc action, in which th<.. le.: ft arm is allo,,<..d to s,.,,in.~ hack as the right foot stabs to the stop board~ the.: left leg may now be released and allowu.l to swing loosely to the rear in a countcr-balann: action. ~enc.: that the C}LS arc followin.~ ,~ the flight: uf the shot.