Girl Athletes in Action

l C ~ J \· 1 LL~ (2) DuR1.·c he run-up the jaYelin is carried a hown in Fi . I. On the hu three tride the javelin mu be drawn moothly back y the turnin of the houlder from left to right and 'the drawin ack of the arm which i rotated ack\\ ar so tha the alm come~ uppermo t . Try o urn the houlder wi hou urning the hip an kee the chin inted well for- ward over the left haul er so that you con inue o look strai ht ahead . In • ig. 2 rl. Jacob ha her lef arm e. tendc ut it would c better t wm ack aero the ody a reas level. • Toe particularly in Fi . 2 that he ri ht foo om fo.nvard the hips arc but little turned in corn ari.on wah the turn of the trunk · ha oth arm and he javelin f rm practically one trai h lin \ i h he ri h arm a full trctch o he rear and the line of he ja,·clin' haf o di po cd hat he eel hca f the\ capon oc o ri c a o e he le,·cl of the thrower chin. Thi: i I f the head o he j. vc]in i. allowe a e the ~ u cquen fli ht of the pear tcep without any palm lift aid d \\ n to ccurc the thrO\ ·– mu he h: back a he o c ta li h the I rowin