Girl Athletes in Action

'.!0_1 j.\\ ELI. ·-FIL. I l'.\I. fARY ontJ.) Tm. righ foot ha· ccn laced own in it throwin o~i ion in Fi . _ he ody i crouchin well under he j ·elin and the jat·tlin itse!Ji is bt·ing lifted throughout its t ntirt· lnrgth as a single unit a the ri h hand egin to win in chin the ri h l ouldcr. & o c how he le£ arm an lcf t leg arc rai cd in h:ir– moniou a rcemcnt each witl the o ition of the other. In · ig. + the hrm er is crouchin lO\ er over the ri h knee which is flexed at righ angle to the line of dire:cti m · the left arm i ri in an anlv . rai h enin a the lcf t leg swin throu h to ai~ 1 s thro ·in i ion. ote tha the lcf t heel i rai t.: li tlc a the lcf t leg c. tend while the thrower' vci ,} an alancc arc still kept ack O\'Cr the ri h leo. The lcf } oul er i crl dir ctly above the right foot indicating a abnccd osition.