Girl Athletes in Action

Sl'RIXT!XG- SlJ~L\1.\R\ ·ontd.) ~PRT~TI~G ·~ l \ L\J \RY (contd.) hTER the hody has attained the true sprinting angle of 7~ <.kgn·es (Fig. 9), the whole nction opens out, and the transition between strides i:i o\ er the full fulcrum of the grounded inot (Fig. 10). The rear leg is allowed to hang 1 as the leading knee picks up, .111d there is full compensatory arm action, with the forward hand swinging to height and the other hand passing just hack of the hip (Fig. r 1). The knee of the leading leg is locked as the toes reach for the track (Fig. 12). E,·cry atom of energy honkl go into the final stride for the tapeJ without break in rhythm or din:rgcnc,· rward traction (Fig. 13).