Impressions of Northern Athletes and Athletics
programme as comparatively few feats are international. Several athletes have voiced their views on the championship, the further developments of which will be watched with interest. The World of Weights. A most wonderful feat of strength has been performed by Louis Vasseur, who hails from Roubaix [France]. He recently effected the phenomenal lift of 220 lbs. [99.79 kilos] by a clean snatch from the ground to above the head with one arm. This is a world’s record. Charles Swoboda, of Vienna, the world’s heavy-weight champion, established, on 21st Sept., a new world’s record by pushing a bar-bell of 330 lbs. [149.69 kilos] three times in succession, and afterwards he jerked the stupendous weight of 396 lbs. [179.62 kilos] three times. The Grappling Game. Wrestling at the present time is very dormant. The only matches of interest looming in view are those being arranged between John Lemm, the mighty Swiss, and A. A. Campbell, of Glasgow; and another match between the same Lemm and Henry Irslinger, an Austrian of undoubted ability. The result will be duly announced. 9 HOW TO ARRANGE AN ATHLETICS GAMES PROGRAMME John O’ Groat Journal , Friday 29 November 1912 In view of the fact that the success of an athletics meeting depends entirely upon the nature of the programme, and especially that any incongruity therein exerts a most prejudicial influence upon the performers and, consequently, performances, it is very necessary that Games Committees should consider the rule which should govern the arrangement if (of) their programmes. Briefly, this rule consists in so arranging the events that the strength and energy of the athletes are conserved. Omitting the dancing and other miscellaneous items, we will confine our attention to the purely athletic feats. Assuming that there are no financial difficulties, Twenty Athletic Items should be included. Throwing the 22 lb. [9.98kg] hammer should head the programme, because the generality of athletes prefer to throw it first. “Throwing the light hammer” competition should be brought off concurrently. It is very indiscriminate to head the list with one hammer, and, for the sake of
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