Instructions in All Kinds of Gymnastic Exercises (extract)
26 lead, by running along the latter,and leap ing from one side to the other; the others followhim, and make the same leaps. By means of this exercise, they accustom them selves to judge the requisitedegree of force to be employed, and the proper points where the spring is to be made, in leaping over the naturalobstacleswhich present themselves to the eye. THE DEEP LEAP. GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. This leap is performed either with or with out the assistance of the hands. In both methodsevery thing depends upon the posi tion of the body during the descent. Great caremust be taken to avoid falling upon the heels insteadof the balls of the toes, and to keep the body in a bent position; by which means, the violent shock which the body would otherwise receive from the hard quality of the ground is prevented. When combined with the assistanceof the hands, this exercise is extremely useful, and evidently a desirableaccomplishment. The leaper places both hands down before the
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