Instructions in All Kinds of Gymnastic Exercises (extract)
53 the other side of the cord, the head is still considerably on this side. Now the leaper appears as in fig. 2. In a moment after wards the middle of his body is already on the other side of the cord, and he commences the descent, as in fig. 3. It would be im possiblefor him to descend in this position, otherwisethanwith his face directedto where the leap was commenced. 6. The quitting of the pole during the leap, is very easily effected by giving it a slight push with one hand, at the moment the greatest height is attained, which causes it to fall upon the inner side of the cord. 7- The carrying of the pole over the cord, is more difficult. In this case, the leaper must raise the pole a little from the ground at the commencement of the descent; im mediately afterwardshe raises the lowerpart of it with the lowest hand, and pressesdown the upper part with the other; the natural consequence of which is, that the lower end of the pole will, at the descent, point upward,and the upper end downward. This part of the exercise should be practisedfirst in low leaps. 8. The descent depends entirely upon the manner in which the leap is made; if this
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