Instructions in All Kinds of Gymnastic Exercises (extract)

preface. vii have since been promulgated to various parts of Germany. Gutsmuth publisheda more complete system of gymnastic exercises in 1817, which is undoubtedlythe best which has hitherto appeared; and it is from this that I have principally selected the following exer­ cises ; the salutary effects of which I saw in others,and experienced in myself during a re­ sidence in Germany. I have considered it quite unnecessary to dwell at any length upon the advantages and importanceof every single exercise; these must be obvious to every one, and have therefore offered nothing further than a concise,and I hope, sufficiently intel­ ligible descriptionof each. 1 think it proper to mention in this place, lest any suspicion should arise,that the idea of the presentworkhas originatedfrom a very recent publication of a similar nature, thatmy MSS. and Plates, alreadyengravedbymyself, were put into the hands of the publishersthe sameday on which the formerwas announced. Had I foundthat my own workwas superseded