Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition

618 PEDESTRIANISM. final impulse as possible to help it on its way. Immense strength in the shoulders, back, and loins, are requisite to beA 1 at this pastime. " Puts" of over 40 feet have been accomplished by professionals in Scotland with the 161b. weight. SECT. 3.—ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. In the case of professional matches articles ofagreement areusually drawn up and signed. The following is the form in general use, subject, of course, to alterations according to the description of the contest: —ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT , entered into this day of 188 , between and for & a side. of agrees to [walk] of over for £ a side, on the day of 188 . £ a side is nowdown in the hands of , to be made into £ a side on the day of , and to be thefinal stakeholder. The referee to be The men to start by mutual consent, and if not off in minutes, togo by the first reportof a pistol; the referee to appoint a person to fire the pistol, and either man leaving his station before the pistol is fired, to be put back each time. The men tobe at their stations at o'clock in the . In the event of any question arising which may notbe provided for in these arti­ cles, the referee to have fullpower and authority todecide such question, his decision to be final and conclusive. This official to receive a sum of [usually 5 per cent.] for officiating,such sumto be deducted from the winnings by the stakeholder, orin equitable proportions from eachstake in the event of a draw. No payment to be made if a forfeit take place. The stakeholder shall in any and every case be exonerated from all responsibility upon obeying the direc­ tion of the referee. Either partyfail­ ing to complywith anyor all of these articles to forfeitall moneys down, ures. Witness SECT. 4.—RULES FOR COMRETMONS. The rules in force at nearly all meet­ ings held under the laws of the Ama­ teur Athletic Association, are as follows: Officials. —The officials shall consist of:—(1.) A committee, in whose hands shall beplaced all matterswhich do not relate to the actual conduct of the meet­ ing itself, and who shall have a final decision in all cases not provided for in the rules of the meeting. (2.) Two or more judges, whose joint decision shall be final in every competition,and with whom shallrest the power to disqualify any competitor. (3.) A referee, who shall decide in thevent of a difference of opinion between the judges. The decision ofthe referee shall be final in all cases. (4.) Two ormore stewards, or clerks of the course, whose business shall be to callout the competitors for each event, and to assign to each his distinctive badge, (5.) One or more special judges of walking, a timekeeper, a starter, and one or more marksmen. Entries. —The following rules shall be observed as to entries ;—(1.) The committee shall reserve to itself the right of refusing any entry, without being boundto assign a reason. (2.) Entries shall not be received unless accompanied by thentrance fees. (3.) Competitors in handicap competitions shall be required to send with their entries full and definite particulars as to their last three performances (if any). The entry form shall be so drawn up as to make it easyfor the competitors to give the information required. (4.) All entries shall be made in the real name of the competitor. (5.) Com­ petitors in youths' races must state their age and previous performances; and, if required, must furnish certifi­ cates ofbirth. Protests. —All protests against a com­ petitor, oragainst acompetitor's quali­ fication to compete, shall be made to the secretary of the club, in writing, before the prizes are distributed; and if the protest shall not be made good within one calendar month, the prize shall be awarded. Every protest must be accompanied with a deposit of five shillings, which shall be forfeited in case the same shall appear upon in­ vestigation to have been made on no reasonable ground. Stations. —Competitors in level races shall draw lots for theirrespective places on thepost before leaving the dressing- room. Each competitor shall be sup­ plied with and wear during each con­ test adistinctive number corresponding to his number inthe programme. (2) In handicaps stations shall be awarded