Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition
RULES FOR PEDESTRIANISM. 619 ftccoj-dingto the numbers on the pro gramme. All tracks shall be measured twelve inches from the inner side of the path. Every competitor must wear com plete clothing from the shoulders to the knees {e.g. sleeved jersey and loose drawers). Any competitor may be excluded from taking part in the sports unless properly attired. No attendant shall accompany any competitor on the scratch (except in bicycle races) nor in the race, nor shall a competitor be allowed, without the permission of the judges, to receiveas sistance or refreshment from any one during the progress of a race. In bicycle races attendants will be allowed forthe sole purpose of lending assist ance in starting. Any attendant who steps or follows the machine over the mark of the competitor whom he is assisting to start will cause such com petitor to be disqualified. Wilfully jostling or running across orobstructing another, so as to impede his progress, shall disqualify the offender. All races (except time handicaps) shall be started by the report of a pistol. A start shall only be made to the actual report of the pistol. The starter shall place the competitors on their allotted marks,and shall, if necessary, have the assistance of marksmen for this duty. If any competitor overstep his mark before the pistol has been fired, the starter shall put him back one yard for distances up toand including 220 yards, two yards up to and including 440 yards^three yards up to andincluding 880 yards, and five yards up toand in cluding one mile. These penalties to be doubled for a second offence, and disqualification to follow a repetition of the same offence. All questions as to starts shall be in the absolute discretion of the starter. Straight sprint races shall be run on a part of the cinder path or grass so staked and stringed that each compe titor may have aseparate course. The width between the strings shallnot be less than four feet, and the stakes shall be not less than thirty feetapart. In walking races cautions and dis qualifications shall be left to the decision of the judges ofwalking. The hurdle race shall be over ten flights of hurdles on a level grass course of 120 yards straight. The hurdles shall stand 3ft. Gin.from the ground, and shall have level top-rails, andshall be placed tenyards apart. Each com petitor shall have his own line of hurdles, and shall keep to that line throughout therace. The High Jump and the Pole Jump. —Each competitor shall be allowed three jumps at each height. Crossing the scratch without displacing the bar shall not countas one jump. All mea surements shall be made from the ground to the centre of the bar. The Broad Jump. —Each competitor shall be allowed three jumps, and the best three competitorsof the first trial shall be allowed three more tries each for the final. The farthest jumpof the six attempts shall win. If any com petitor fall back or step back, after jumping, orcrosses thetaking-of£ line with either foot, or so swerves aside that he pass beyond the taking-ofi: line, such jump shall not be measured, but it shall be counted against the compe titor as one jump. All jumps shall be measured to the taking-off line, from the edge ofthe heel-mark nearest that line, along a line perpendicular to that line. Throwing the Hammer. —The hammer shall be thrown from within a circle of 7 ft. in diameter. The head of the hammer shallbe of iron and spherical, and the handle shall be of wood. The head and handle shall weigh together 16 lbs. The total length of the hammer shall be not more than 4 ft. Each competitor shall be allowed three throws, andthe best three competitors of the first trial shall be allowed three more throws each. The farthest throw of the six shall win. All distances shall be measured from the circumfer ence of the circle to the first pitch of the hammer, along a line drawn from that pitch to the centreof the circle. Putting the Weight. —The weight shall be put from the shoulder with one hand only, and without follow, froma 7 ft, square. The weight shall be of iron and spherical, and shall weigh 16 lbs. All puts shall be measured perpendicularly fromthe first pitch of the weight to the front line of the square, or to that lineproduced. In throwing the hammer and putting the weight crossing the scratch shall count as atry. For steeplechases the hurdles shall not be higher than 3ft. Every com-
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