Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition

CONTENTS. PART I.—THE PURSUIT OF WILD ANIMALS FOR SPORT. BOOK I.—SHOOTING. CHAP. I. PRESERVATION OF GAME. SECT. PAGE 1. Selection of Preserve 1 2. Dutu s and Powers ofGamekeeper ... 3 3. Bearing of Game Naturally 3 4. Artificial Rearing of Game 4 5. Preservation from Poachers 5 6. Prtsorvation from Vermin 9 7. Englisli Game Laws 16 8. Scotch Game Laws 22 9. Irish Game Laws 23 CHAP. II. THE GUN AND THE BEST MODE OF USING 1. The Modern Fowling-Piece ... 2. Selection of a Gun 3. CartridgeCases and Waddings 4. Powder and Shot 5. Loading (i. Trialof the Gun 7. Range of our Shot Guns 8. Cleaning the Gun 9. Management of the Gun 10. Learning to Shoot CHAP. III. DOG BREAKING FOR OPEN SHOOTING. 1. Different Modes of Finding Game 2. Characteristics of Ground Birds 3. The Dogs used in OpenShooting 4. Breaking of Pointers and Setters 70 5. Preparatory Breaking 70 6. Intermediate Education 71 7. Mechanical Remedies forFaults 78 8. Retrieving 78 CHAP. IV. QROUSK-SHOOTING. 1. Varieties and Habits of Grouse 80 2. Dress and General Accoutrements 83 3. Varieties, Selection, and Management of the Dog 84 4. Breaking to the Gun 87 5. Management of the Beat 88 jj. Grouse-Driving and Stalking 90 7. TheRetriever 91 8. Shooting-Pony... ... ... ... ... 95 9. Expenses of Moors, 95 CHAP. V. PARTRIDGE-SHOOTING. '• Varieties of the Partridge 96 .• ® es t kind of Dogs forPartridge-Shooting.. 98 Numberof Dogs Required 98 Retrieving, Dress, (Sic. 93 1. Habits of the Pheasant ... 107 25 2. Best Dogs forPheasant-Shooting ... ... 108 41 3. Breaking and Using the Spaniel... ... 109 43 4. Various kinds ofPheasant-Shooting ... 110 44 5. Dress and Gun ... ... 113 47 6. The Woodcock ... 113 48 7. Dogs used for Cock-Shooting ... 114 62 8. Cock-Shooting ... 114 63 9. The Dress and Gun ... 116 64 10. Hare and Babbit Shooting ... 116 64 11. Expenses of Covert-Shooting ... 117 SECT. PAGE 5. Management of the Beat 98 6. Expenses of Partridge-Shooting 101 7. Quail and Landrail-Shooting 101 8. Shooting Hares and Rabbits in the Open.. 103 CHAP. VI. MARSH AND FEN-SHOOTING. 1. The Birds met with 2. The Dogs usedin Snipe-Shooting ... S. Fen-Shooting 4. Dress 5. The Guny and Accessories 6. Expenses CHAP. VII. COVERT-SHOOTI NO. 104 105 106 106 106 10 CHAP, VIII. RIVER AND POND SHOOTING. 1. Birds found on Rivers and Ponds 118 2. Best Dog for River Shooting 121 3. Duck-Guns and Accessories 121 4. Wild-Duck Shooting in Rivers,&e. ... 122 5. Decoy-Duck Shooting in the Hut 123 CHAP. IX. SALT-WATER WILDFOWL-SHOOTING. 1. Marine Wildfowl 125 2. Shore Shooting 126 8. Shoulder-Gun Punt or Dinghy Shooting ... 127 4. Stanchion-Gun Punt-Shooting 129 5. The Shooting-Yacht and Sailing-Boat ... 133 CHAP. X. DEER-STALKING. 1. The Red Deer andRoebuck 134 2. The Deer Forests 136 8. The Telescope 136 4. The Gillies or Hillmen 136 5. The Deerstalking Rifle — 137 6. The Deerhound ... 139 7. Qualities Necessary in the Deer-Stalker ... 140 8. The Three Modes of Stalking 141 CHAP. XI. R OOK, R ABBIT, AND S EAL S HOOTING WITH THE R IFLE UT