Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition

PROFESSIONAL WALKING. 625 Further Details of Professional Walking Performances. 1 Perkins, in a three-mile match, beat "W. J. Stockwell by 100 yards. \ mile.1m 22s. ; J mile, 2m.Ms.; f mile, 4m.40s. "Weathervery fine. 2 Rahy, in a one-hour's match with J. Hibberd, of Bethnal Green, won, and covered in the time 8miles 180yards 2 feet. 3 In a matchto walk for one honr apainst D. A. Driseollat the Marhattan A.C. Grounds, Meapber von, and in the honr covered 8 miles 302 yards. Best, time done inEngland, 58m.448., by J. Hibberd, atLillieBridge, April 16, 1883. 1 Rahy won the three-hours' championship at Lillie Bridge, D cember, 1883, beatingH. Thatcher and W.Franks. From the ninth to the fifteenth mile he succeeded in beating the best times previously recorded. 5 Perkins engaged in a three-hours' walking match with W. Howes, at Lillie Bridge Grounds, July Ifi, 1877. Theweather was very fine, and the contest proved one of the most marvellous that had, up to the dategiven, been witnessed on a cinder path.Both of the menwalked the longest distance that had ever beenaccomplished in the three hours ; but Perkins was the faster of the two. 1 mile, f>m.52s. : 2 miles. Urn.21s. ; 8 miles, 21m.58s. ; 4 miles, 29ra. 35s. ; 5 miles, 37m. 17s. ; 6 miles, 44m. 59s. ; 7 miles, 52m. 42s.; 8 miles, Ih. Om.19s. ; 9 miles, Ih. 8m. 7s. ; 10 miles, Ih. 15m. 57s. ; 11 miles, Ih. 23m. 49s. ; 12 miles,Ih. 31m. 42s. ; 13 miles, Ih. 39m. 42s. : 14 miles, Ih. 47m. 53s. ; 15 miles, Ih. 56m. 13s. Perkins's twenty-firstmile was done in 2h.49m. 18s. At the end ofthe second hour Perkins had walked 15 miles 824yards. Perkins walked 22miles in 2h. 58m.52s., and Howes the same distance in 2h. 59m. 54s 6 Thatcher was matched to beat the three hours' record of 22 miles 206 yards, standing to the credit ofPerkins. The task was accomplished by Thatcher at Lillie Bridge, on February 20, 1882, the distance coveredbeing 22 miles 466J yards. ^ Franks received half-mile start in,a thirty-miles' handicap for challenge belt, took the lead at seven- amia half miles, and won by 6m.23s., establishing a new set of figures for the miles between the twenty- secondand the thirtieth. The competition wasopen to Marylebonemen only, and twelve started, j. Stallard, 2J miles start, was second, and F. Holland, 2-Jmiles, third. Franks walked 27i miles in four hours. 8 Howes won a fifty-mile race, open to all comers, at the Agricultural Hall, on March 30, ^878, defeating J. Barnes, W. Boldiug, A. Clark, W. Corkcy, A. Courtney, A. Hancock, O. Hancock, •T. M'Leary,J. Mills, M. Myers, W. Perkins, andH. Thatcher. From and including thirty to fifty miles liistimes remain unbeaten. 9 Meagherand D. A. Driscoll walked for the 100-railes championship of America at the Mechanics' Building,Boston. Driscoll retired in the fiftieth mile, andMeagher had permission toleave the track aftercovering a little over 51 miles. The winner's time for 51 miles stands unrivalled. 10 Hihberd, in a walking contest extending over six days of twelve hours each, at the Drill Hall, Stieffleld,on the first day, November 13,1882, walked 70miles 677 yards. His timesfrom the fifty-second to the seventieth miles are the best ever accomplished, and re as follows ;—52miles, 8h. 36m. 45s.: 53 miles,8h. 48m. 18s. : 54 miles, 8h. 59m.0s. ; 55 miles, 9h. 10m. 28s. ; 56 mi'es, 9h. 20m. 2(is.; 57 miles, nil. 81m.30s.; 58 miles, 9h. 42m. 10s. ; 59 miles, 9h.55m. 5s.; 60 miles, lOh. 4m. 55s. ; 61 miles, lOh. Ifim.4s.; 62 miles, lOh.27m. 55s.; 63 miles, lOh. 38m. 10s. ; 64 miles, lOh. 47m. 47s. ; 65 miles, lOh. •Wm. 0s.; 66 miles, llh. 10m. Is.; 67 miles, llh. 21m. 29s.; 68 miles, lib. 82m. 0s. ; 69 miles, llh. 44m. 538.; 70 miles, llh. 56m. 28s. " Howes, at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, on May 15,1880, won the twenty-sixhours championship, heatingH. Vaughan, of Chester, W. Lewis, of Islington, andA. and O. Hancock,of Hackney. From 71 milesto 100 miles Howes's times are the best ever done :—71 miles, 12h. 23m. 20s.; 72 miles, 12h.34m. 2s.; 73miles, 12h. 45m. 30s.; 74 miles, 12h. 56m. 13s. ; 75 miles, 13h.7m. 27s. ; 76 miles, 13h. 18m. 0s. ; 77miles, 13h. 29m. 23s. ; 78 miles, 13h.40m. 15s. ; 79 miles, 13h.51m. 14s. ; 80 miles, 14h. 1m. 53s.; 81 miles,14h. 15m. 28s.; 82 miles, 14h. 26in. 49s. : 83 miles, 14h. 38m. 4s. ; 84 miles, 14h. 49m. 57s. : 85 miles,15h. 1m. 35s. ; 86 miles, 15h. 13m.5s. ; 87 miles, 15h.23m. 21s. ; 88 miles, 15h.35m. 2s. ; 89 miles, I'm.47ra.15s. ; 90 miles, 15h.59m. 10s ; 91 miles, 16h. 11m. 40s. ; 92 miles, 16h. 24m. 81s. ; 98 miles, Jlh. 38m.45s.; 94 miles, 16h.51m. 3s.; 95 miles, 17h.3m. 57s. ; 96 miles, 17h. 17m. 2s.; 97 miles,ITh. 3im. 22s.; 98 miles, 17h. 41m. 80s. ; 99 miles, 17h. 54m. 59s.; 100 miles, 18h.8m. 15s. After covering 101miles 2 laps in 18h. 26m.5s. Howes was informed that there was no necessity to continue any longer. ,s Howes, in a twenty-six hours' competition at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, on February 23, 1378,defeated several opponents, and won a championship belt and 100!., having covered 129^ miles. 101st to 129th miles were walked in the fastest times on record. He did 101 miles in 18h.20in. 52s. ; 102miles, 18h. 32m. 50s.; 103 miles, 18h.44m. 54s.; 104 miles, 18h. 57m.10s. ; 105 miles, 19h. 9m. 0s. ; 106miles, 19h. 21m. 55s. ; 107 miles, 19h. 35m. 15s. ; 108 miles, 19h. 46m. 45s. ; 109 miles, 19h. 58m.16s.; 110miles, 20h. 9m. 15s.; 111 miles, 20h.20m. 23s.; 112 miles. 20h. 31ra. 43s. ; 113 miles, 20h.43m. 57s. ; 114miles, 20h. 55m. 37s.; 115 miles, 21h. 7m. 27s. ; 116 miles, 21h. 19m. 30s.; 117miles, 21h.31m. 46s.; 118miles, 21h. 43m. 21s.; 119 miles, 21h. 55m. 16s. ; 120 miles, 22h.6m. 25s. ; 121 miles, 22h. 16m. 21s. ; 122miles, 22h. 28m. 22s. ; 123 miles, 22h. 41m. 4s. ; 124 miles, 22h. 56m. 48s.; 125miles, 23h. 9m.4Ts. ; 126miles, 23h. 24m. 49s.; 127miles, 23h. 48in. 7s. : and 128 miles, 24h. 3m. 20s. The exact distance accomplished by Howes in twenty-four hours was 127 miles 1210 yards. S S