Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition
PROFESSIONAL RUNNING. 633 •6Biohnrrls beat J. Nuttall, Manchester; R. Mackinstray, Glfisgow ;and S. Albison, Bowlje, on Royal OakPark Ground,Manchester, during high wind and rain. Half-mile time,2m. 2s. 1 7 In a match with W. Duddle, of Preston, at theBorough Grounds, Preston. The track measured 603 yards. 18 Lang, on the City Ground, Manchester, easily beatJ. White, Gateshead;P. Stapleton, Mossley; andS. Albison, Bowlee. One mile time, 4m.20s. 19 In a match with D.Livingstone, whostopped aftergoin ?800 yards, Cutnincrs's fractional times wereas follows ;—Quarter, 1m. Is.; half,2m. 20s.; three-quarters, 3m.2 js.; one mile,4m. 35s.; one mile anda quarter, 5m. 39s. » Lang, on theCity Ground, Manchester, beat J. Sanderson, Whitworth,by 6yds. One mile time, 4ra.27s. ' 21 White, in a ten-mile race, easily beat I J . Bennett, Indian Reservation. Cattarancns County, Canada' W. Lang,Middlesborough ; E Mills, London ; P. Stardeton, Mossley;J. Brighton, Norwich ;S. Barker, Billingsgate ; W. Richards, Millwall; and H. Andrews, Holborn. One mile time, 4m. 40s. • two, 9m.39s. 22 Howitt, on the Copenhagen Ground, Islington, beat J. Levett, Battersea, in a ten-mile race, Levett not finishing. 1 mile, 4m. 52s.; 2 miles, 9m. 54s. ; 3 miles, 14m. 52s. ; 4 miles, 19m. 56s.: 5 miles 24m.57s.; 6 miles, 30m.4s.: 7miles, 35m. 13s. 2 3a Cummings, in a ten-mile match with W. 6. George(ex-amateur), ofWorcester, on the quarter, miletrackat Lillie Bridge, ran the full distance in 51m 6?s., which time is the best ever accomplished by professional or amateur. George ran the distance as an amateur in51m. 20s.. and u Deerfoot's *' 51m. 26s.was the best professional time previous to Sept. 28, 18S5. These times were made in a twelve-mile handicap, in which Bennett was scratch man. W Lang Middlesborough who had 100 yards start,led by 30at the end of8 miles, and eventually won by half a yardonly. 9 miles, 46m.15s. ^ *+ Howitt made these times in a twenty-mile race,won by J. Levett,Battersea. Howitt went to frontat end of three miles, andled till endof the sixteenth, when lameness knocked him up 1 mile, 5m.10s.: 2 miles, 10m. las. ; 3 miles, 15m. 36s.; 4 miles, 21m. 5s. ; 5 miles,26in. 28s. : 6 miles, 31m ftOs • 7 miles, 37m 15s. ; 8 miles, 42m. 31s.; 9 miles, 47in. 62s. ; 10 miles, 53m. lis.; 11 miles, 59ra.'20s' : 12miles, Ih. 4m. 68s. » » , , . 2 5 I n . l l a . t h i r t y - m i l e s m a t c h , a t L i l l i e B r i d g e , w i t hA c h i l l e B a r g o s s i , w h o r e t i r e d h o p e l e s s l y b e a t e n whenwithin fifty yards ofcompleting his fifteenthmile. 26 Warburton, in a match at Cobwall Cricket Ground to run twenty miles in two hours, accomplished mstask with 3m. 22s. to spare. The course had to be traversed 109 times, less 7 yards. , 2 I n a f i f t y - n i n e s c h a m p i o n s h i p r a c e , a t L i l l i e B r i d g e , o n M a r c h 1 4 , 1 8 8 1 , M a s o n t o o k t h e l e a d a t a n e a r l v «!Sfru £1 i y 2? o ty miles > having established a new s t of times from the twenty-flrst mile a follows :-21miles, 2h. 8m 36s. ; 22 miles, 2h. 16m.17s. ; 23 miles, 2h. 23m. 333. ; 24 miles, 211 30m 4s Shfim e M a i 4S ' 'ou ™ lle \ 2h - i 3 '"- 40s - : 27 lni l es . 2h - 51m. 4s. ; 28 miles, 2h. 68m. 41s. ; 29 miles," th,„«^+i 'f 168 ' ?}• 15ln '?, s v^ went t0 tl,e front 300 yards in thethirty-first mile, andcon- S 6 . 1^ reeor d 'breaking until he stopped in the forty-ninthmile, having, ofcourse, won. Bailey's 3h - 22m - 51s - :32 miles ' 8h - 30m - 40s - : 33 "'lies,3h. 3Sm. 308.; 84 miles, .u 8 ' L 5 miles ' 3h 64m - 6s - : 36 miles ' 4h - lm - 53s •" 7 mi les, 4h. 9m. 48s.; 38 miles, 4h.17m 40s • 4h^0m o aT ' •? '• *2^ 4h - 3tm - 27s - : 41 "'He 8 ' 4h. 42m. 57s. ; 42 miles, 4h. 51m. 2is ; 43 miles' 48miles ^ ' " : 45 mlle8, 5h ' 18m - 153 - : 46 miles ' 5h - 2Gm - 6s - : 47 miles > 5h - 35m - 46s -' 28 See note 2 7. t . S e ?H ow l ng tlmes on the first da y of a six-days' (twelve hours a day) go-as-you- pioase contest at the Westminster Aquarium 49 miles, 6h. 0m. 0s. ; 50 miles, 6h.8m. 0s. - SI miles fih io ?2 S - : 52 lrnles ' 6h - 24m - 0s - •* 58 1Ililes . 61i. 34m. 10s. ; 54 miles, 6h. 40in. 30s. • 55 miles n of n ' a : 56 lniles ' 6h - 57m - 50s - : 57 IIliles ' 7h - :l0m - fis - : 58 miles, 7h. 14m. 20s • 59 miles' 8h" : 1°, mi - 1 , eS ' 7 v - S3m - 10s - :61 mnes ' 7h - 41m - 40s - •" 62 miles ' 7h - 50ln - 40 S-. : 63 miles! s ' '• 6 i lnl l? s ' 8h - 9m - 50s -: 65 miles, 8h. .19m. 0s.; 66 miles, 8h. 28m. 10s.; 67 miles m, ^s. ; 68 miles, Sh. 46m. 0s.; 69 miles, 8h. 54m. 40s.; 70 miles, 9h. 3m. 15s.; 71 miles 9h 48m : ' •, eS ' m!' 2 ^ ni - ^ : H mi \ eS ' 9h - 30m - 0s - : 74 n,iles ' 9h - 89m - 10s - : 75 miles m : ™ ™l les ' !) u 57m - 50s - : 77 miles, lOh. 7m. 0s. ; 78 miles, lOh. 15m. 30s. ; 79 miles 1 h nl ol ' : 0 ? 0 "} lles ' :l , 0h ' 33ln - 50s - : 81 miles, lOh.42m. 10s. ; 82 miles, lOh.51m. 10s.; 83 miles * 0in ' 30s -; 8* nules, llh. 9m. 50s. Littlewood covered in the twelve hours, 89J miles. YnX ^ 0we , 11, i" a ®i^ 'lays' and nights' go-as-you-please contest at the Madison Square Gardens, New . won l'y Hazael (see notes 38and 40), covered from 85 to 150miles in the fatest times on record, as ml lo" 85 .miles, l]h. 17m. 35s.; 86 miles, llh. 25m. 20s.: 87 miles, llh. 34m. 30s.- 88 miles m 17 A 5s - : 89 miles, llh. 51m. 55s.; 90 miles, 12h. 0m.15s. ; 91 miles, 12h.9m. 45s. ; 92 miles m KO f : I 3 miIes ' 12h - 26 m- 10s - : 94 miles, 12h.35m. 40s. ; 95 miles, 12h. 43m. 30s.; 96 miles lih o? 1 "' 25' : 97 mlles ' :l8h - •'m- 40s.; 98 miles, 13h.9m. 25s.; 99 miles, 13h. 18m. 15s. ; 100 miles' Uh - ! 0s - : 101 miles, 14h. 5m. 21s.; 102 miles, 14h.13m. 55s. ; 103 miles, 14h.20m. 50s. • 104 miles' im T a : 105 miles, 14h. 87m. 10s.; 106 miles, 14h.45m. 10s ; 107 miles, 14h. 64m. 50s. • 108 miles' la a?" '!• : 109 miles, 15h. 11m. 15s. ; 110 miles, 15h. 20ra. 45s. ; 111 miles, 16h.30m. 10s. • 112 miles' iflh ip/ * 45s - : 113 miles, 15h. 47m. 45s. ; 114 miles, 15h.65m. 45s.; 116miles, 16h.6m. 86s. • 116 miles' IRh i» ln " ; U ' nii,es ' 16h - 24m - 10s - ! 118 miles, 16h.32m. 5s. ; 119 miles, 16h.40in. £os. • 120 miles' 4om - 10s -; 1-1 miles, IGk 69ui. 0s. ; 122 miles. 17Ii.Sui. 553. : 123 miles, 17h. 17m. 5s. • 12 i miles'
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