Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition
xii CONTENTS. BOOK II.—HUNTING. CHAP. I. MATERIEL NECESSARY TOR HUNTING IN GENERAL, PAGE ... 148 ... 150 ... 154 ... 156 ... 159 SECT. 1. The Game to be Hunted 2. Hounds, and theirManagement 3. Construction ofKennels 4. The Master and his Men 5. Kennel Management CHAP. II. STAG-HUNTING. 1. Hunting the Carted Deer .., 2. Hunting the WildRed Deer CHAP. III. FOX-HUNTING. 1. General Bemarks 2. Laws of Fox-Huntlng 3. Fox Hunting Countries 4. The Preservation ofFoxes ... 5. The Number ofPacks kept ... 6. Expenses ofFox-Hunting ... 7. Ditferent Styles of Fox-Hunting CHAP IV. FOX-HUNTING (continued). 1. Pack to be Obtained at once by Purchase . 2. Breeding 3. Rearing the Whelps 4. Entering YoungHounds 5. Regular Cub-Hunting CHAP. V. FOX-HUNTING (continued). 1. Preparations forHunting ... 2. Going to Covert 3. Drawing 4. The Run 5. The Kill 6. Running to Ground 7. On Scent 8. On Drafting Hounds for Faults 9. The Duties of the Men 10. Points of Differencefrom Stag-Hunting .. 11. Points of Difference from Hare-Hunting.. 12. Bag-Foxes 13. Consequences of a Severe Run 14. Necessity for Blood CHAP. VI. HARE-HUNTING. 1. Hare-Hounds—and how to procure them. 2. Breeding 3. Peculiarities proper to the Men 4. Preparations for Hunting ... 5. Hare-Finding 6. The Run 7. The Kill 8. The Expenses of Harriers ... 9. Hunting •with Foot-Beagles... 10. Expenses of Foot-Beagles ... CHAP. VII. OTTER-HUNTING. 1. The Otter, and its Haunts ... 2. Otter-Hunting Implements... 3. Otter-Hounds 4. The Men 5. The Hunt 6. Dress for Otter-Hunting 7. Expenses 161 104 164 165 168 170 170 171 172 175 176 177 182 183 185 185 186 187 189 189 189 191 191 194 194 196 , 196 , 196 197 199 199 200 201 202 204 204 204 205 205 205 206 206 206 209 209 BOOK III.—COUKSING. CHAP. I. PRIVATE COURSING. SECT. PAGE 1. The Hare 210 2. The Greyhound 213 3. The Ground 214 4. The Beaters 214 5. The Slipper 214 6. The Judge 215 7. The Course 215 8. Rules for Private Coursing 215 CHAP. II. PUBLIC COURSING. 1. History of Public Coursing 215 2. The Ground CoursedOver 217 3. Difference from Private Coursing 219 4. The Public Greyhound 220 5. Best Mode of ProcuringGreyhounds ... 229 6. Kennels, and Kennel Management 231 CHAP. III. VARIETIES OF THE MODERN GREYHOUND ... 232 CHAP. IV. BREEDING THE GREYHOUND. Selection ofBrood-Bitch 233 Choice of the Stallion 236 Cross Breeding and Breeding in-and-in ... 240 The Best Age forBreeding 241 Best Time ofthe Year forBreeding ... 242 Duration ofPregnancy 242 Management ofthe Brood-Bitch 242 Management ofthe Whelps inthe Nest ... 246 Weaning the Whelps 247 Choosing the Whelps 248 Rearing the Whelps 249 CHAP. V. BREAKING, KENNELLING, AND ENTERING. Breaking to Lead, Kennels,&c. 254 Entering 257 Removal ofTicks, Fleas, and Worms ... 259 CHAP. VI. TRAINING, AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT IN RUNNING. 1. General Remarks onTraining 2. Management of the Bitch " in Season " ... 3. Private Trials 4. Treatment after the Trial CHAP. VII. FINAL PREPARATION FOR RUNNING. 1. Short Rules for Training 2. Travelling 3. Management at the Meeting 4. Treatment ofInjuries, &c 5. Expenses of Rearing and Training CHAP. VIII. MANAGEMENT OF COURSING MEETINGS. 1. Origin of Meetings 2. The National Coursing Club.Constitution and Bye-Laws 274 3. Code of Rules of the National Coursing Club 275 4. Pedigrees ofGreyhounds from the Institu tion of Public Coursing 2S1 Index to Greyhound Pedigrees 297 CHAP. IX. DEER AND RABBIT COURSING. 1. Deer Coursing 298 2. Rabbit Coursing 298 3. Bye-Laws of the Dulwich Fox-Terrier Coursing Club 299 260 265 265 266 268 268 271 272 272
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