Manual of British Rural Sports by Stonehenge 17th Edition
CONTENTS. xv PAGE ... 596 ... 598 ... 599 ... 601 ... 602 603 CHAP. 11. the best mode of breeding the hors for all racing purposes. sect. 1. Choice of Blood to Breedfrom 2. The most Profitable Kindof Breeding 3. Selection of Brood Mare 4. Choice of Stallion 6. Best Age to Breedfrom 6. Best time for Breeding - 7. Peculiarities of thevarious Modem Breeds 603 8. List ofModern Stallions 606 9. Stallions suitable for Getting Racehorses.. 609 10. Stallions suited for Getting Hunters and Steeplechasers 611 11. Sires of Trotters 612 12. Concluding Remarks on Breeding 612 13. Asserted Decline in Horse-breeding ... 613 BOOK VII. —PEDESTRIANISM, AND THEGENERALTRAINING OFMAN. CHAP. I. pedestrianism and athletic sports. 1. Walking, Running, and Leaping 615 2. Other Sports at Athletic Meetings 617 3. Articles of Agreement 618 4. Rules for Competitions ' 618 5. Timing Men 620 CHAP. II. best pedestrian d athletic performances on record. 1. Amateur Walking ... 621 2. Professional Walking 624 8. Amateur Running 628 4. Professional Running 631 5. Amateur Jumping 636 6. Professional Jumping 637 7. Amateur Hammer-Throwing and Putting the Weight 637 8. Amateur Hurdle-Racing and Foot-Steeple- chaslng 638 CHAP. III. training for pedestrian an o her purposes- sect. page 1. Preparatory Treatment 638 2. Actual Training—GeneralManagement and Diet ^ Treatment of Training CHAP. IV. Accidents occurring BOOK VIII.—AQUATICS, OR RACING IN YACHTS AND BOATS. CHAP. I. yachts and yacht-sailing. 1. General Remarks 2. The Form of the Yacht's Hull 3. Sails and Rigging 4. The General Management of a Yacht, Cost, frc 5. Sailing a Yacht 6. Management of a Small Sailing Boat 7. Regattas 8. Nomenclature of the Parts of a Vessel ... 9. A Dictionary ofNautical Terms CHAP. II. eowikg, or boat-racing. 1. Varieties of Boats used 2. The Sliding Seat 8. Bowing and Sculling 4. Steering CHAP. III. boat-racing (continued). 1. Training a Boat's Crew 2. Regattas 3. General Rules ofBoat-Racing 4. The Race 5. Length of Racing Courses ... 6. Purchase of Boats CHAP. IV. canoe racing and canoe cruising. 1.' General Remarks 2. Dimensions of Canoes 3. Hints on Paddling and Sailing 655 655 658 674 675 687 691 694 701 702 708 709 710 710 711 712 713 713 PART III.—RURAL GAMES AND OUT-DOOR AMUSEMENTS. BOOK I.—GAMES PLAYED WITH BALL. CHAP. T. cricket. 1. General Remarks 2. Cricketing Materials ... 8. The Laws of Cricket ... 4. The Game 5. Dress 6. The Expenses ... CHAP. II. football. 1. General Remarks 2. The Football Association ... 8. The Rugby Union 4. Method of Playing the Game 6. Dress CHAP. HI. bowls. 1. General Remarks 2. Definitions 8. The Laws 714 714 715 718 724 724 725 725 727 731 732 733 733 734 CHAP. IV. rounders and base ball. 1. Rounders 2. Base Ball ... 736 ... 737 CHAP. V. fives, racquets, tennis, lawn tennis, and badminton. 1. Fives 2. Racquets 3. Tennis 4. Lawn Tennis 5. Badminton CHAP. VI. lacrosse. General Remarks Princip'es ofthe Game Implements The Laws Definition of Terras ... ... 738 ... 738 ... 739 ... 740 ... 746 ... 746 ... 747 ... 748 ... 748 ... 751
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